Hey reader's. Please follow us on our permanent site at www.TheBSideToTheTruth.com. We are super excited for our new format and hope to increase solid constant content returning the first of 2011.
The B Side To The Truth
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Your Focus Becomes Your Thoughts
Often times the mind works a million miles an hour. We live in a day of constant noise and distraction. Lately all I can think about is stock piling and investing in commodities. The problem is as I focus merely on that I forget the very essence that got me to this point... which is the best way I know how to produce capital from my real estate business. I have slowed down in what fuels that business vehicle. That is prospecting and lead generating. Why though? I look at what I am reading constantly and it is all future things for me to do with my capital. Yet with no capital I cannot do those things. So first and foremost I must pay myself.
What does it mean to pay yourself first? It means create an investment account which you will accumulate to a certain capital number. Then once the capital number is sufficient take that capital and invest it into a cashflowing passive income. Cashflow is what the focus of investing should be. Not capital gains. Capital gains can be nice, yet it typically always comes at a loss. Much like vegas... sooner or later the luck will run out.
So what should the mind focus on and how? The mind should focus on the simple joys of life. Yes if everyone had $20,000 a month residual income it would be easy. But what about the guy only making $3,000 to $5,000 a month with 3 kids and and bills running out the wazoo! Is money the real simple joy of life? No. But a focused plan on creating financial freedom should be created. Yet in the mean time when there isn't exactly financial freedom we should seek to enjoy life. And the reality is, joy does not come from activities that cost money, yet from the relationships that are built during the activity.
On Saturday, my wife and I had the opportunity to go with some friends and make mozzerella cheese. They also invited some of their good friends and some family. I realized after it was a low cost night... or should I say day out, and we enjoyed the company of great people.
The B Side to The Truth is this life is about the moments of joy that are developed from the creation of memories. If we put our focus on enjoying life and creating memories our thoughts will be of enjoyment. Must people do not enjoy life, because they do not focus on enjoying life. It must become a priority. So remember... pay yourself first... in all realms of life!
Colton - discover your true'ness'
What does it mean to pay yourself first? It means create an investment account which you will accumulate to a certain capital number. Then once the capital number is sufficient take that capital and invest it into a cashflowing passive income. Cashflow is what the focus of investing should be. Not capital gains. Capital gains can be nice, yet it typically always comes at a loss. Much like vegas... sooner or later the luck will run out.
So what should the mind focus on and how? The mind should focus on the simple joys of life. Yes if everyone had $20,000 a month residual income it would be easy. But what about the guy only making $3,000 to $5,000 a month with 3 kids and and bills running out the wazoo! Is money the real simple joy of life? No. But a focused plan on creating financial freedom should be created. Yet in the mean time when there isn't exactly financial freedom we should seek to enjoy life. And the reality is, joy does not come from activities that cost money, yet from the relationships that are built during the activity.
On Saturday, my wife and I had the opportunity to go with some friends and make mozzerella cheese. They also invited some of their good friends and some family. I realized after it was a low cost night... or should I say day out, and we enjoyed the company of great people.
The B Side to The Truth is this life is about the moments of joy that are developed from the creation of memories. If we put our focus on enjoying life and creating memories our thoughts will be of enjoyment. Must people do not enjoy life, because they do not focus on enjoying life. It must become a priority. So remember... pay yourself first... in all realms of life!
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Monday, December 13, 2010
But and a huge but!! If you are going to keep money in the 401k I would look into this company called Silver Wheaton. Check out their website at www.silverwheaton.com. They are booming and will continue to boom as the financial crisis swells with in the United States. They have 15 silver contracts at $4.20 an ounce to mine some where around 40 million ounces of silver by 2013. Current silver prices are just under $30 dollars an ounce. Silver is predicted to be over $60 dollars on ounce by 3rd quarter of 2011. That is double the current value. And if the dollar does collapse it will go back to its 1/16 ratio which means it will be well over $100 an ounce. That’s over 300% return on your money. And having your 401k with a chunk in this company may keep your retirement not only alive but a lot more profitable than expected.
The problem with the upcoming market is fully loaded against YOU! We have inflation on the rise with things such as corn inflating as much as 50% in the last 23 months. Oil is now over $90 a barrel and some of my research indicates it could (I think will) be over $150 a barrel. That means get ready for 5 and 6 dollars a gallon in Gas and super high prices for diesel. You will see commodities at the grocery store more than likely double, triple, or even more. Also with the inflation in gas those numbers will go up. So here is the bad part for retirement plans, the baby boomer’s need their money to survive. So you will see a huge surge in the next few years of baby boomer’s withdrawing their money to survive and very little or none will be reinvested. So the typical long term stock investments will shatter a retirement.
So my advice can be taken for what it is worth.
1. Increase your financial knowledge by understanding this screwed up money system. Knowledge is the best investment.
2. Get 6 months of food storage ASAP.
3. Buy physical silver coins to have at home in the safe.
4. re-diversify your 401k into bull markets. I SCREAM GET OUT! BUT IF YOU INSIST TO STAY IN put it into for sure bull markets! I do not understand how the financial planner’s continually preach long term mutual funds when the US Dollar has lost over 40% value since the banking crisis the end of 2008. Even having money just sitting in the bank is actually losing money right now!!!! It will continue to get worse this year. 95% of mortgages are now owned by the Federal Reserve which is a central bank and not owned by the US government.
5. Don’t waste time beginning your research… financial education is one thing this country lacks and it will cost many their entire life savings. I have seen many Large Privatized Financial and Other experts take a public stance on the current situation, from Tony Robbins, to Stansberry’s Investment Research, to Robert Kiyosaki, and Even Mr. Apprentice himself, Donald Trump. So when I see financial experts heeding a warning along with my own studies I know it definitely is a serious matter.
The B Side To The Truth is simple today... take the time to educate yourself on a very serious matter. A financial matter.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
The problem with the upcoming market is fully loaded against YOU! We have inflation on the rise with things such as corn inflating as much as 50% in the last 23 months. Oil is now over $90 a barrel and some of my research indicates it could (I think will) be over $150 a barrel. That means get ready for 5 and 6 dollars a gallon in Gas and super high prices for diesel. You will see commodities at the grocery store more than likely double, triple, or even more. Also with the inflation in gas those numbers will go up. So here is the bad part for retirement plans, the baby boomer’s need their money to survive. So you will see a huge surge in the next few years of baby boomer’s withdrawing their money to survive and very little or none will be reinvested. So the typical long term stock investments will shatter a retirement.
So my advice can be taken for what it is worth.
1. Increase your financial knowledge by understanding this screwed up money system. Knowledge is the best investment.
2. Get 6 months of food storage ASAP.
3. Buy physical silver coins to have at home in the safe.
4. re-diversify your 401k into bull markets. I SCREAM GET OUT! BUT IF YOU INSIST TO STAY IN put it into for sure bull markets! I do not understand how the financial planner’s continually preach long term mutual funds when the US Dollar has lost over 40% value since the banking crisis the end of 2008. Even having money just sitting in the bank is actually losing money right now!!!! It will continue to get worse this year. 95% of mortgages are now owned by the Federal Reserve which is a central bank and not owned by the US government.
5. Don’t waste time beginning your research… financial education is one thing this country lacks and it will cost many their entire life savings. I have seen many Large Privatized Financial and Other experts take a public stance on the current situation, from Tony Robbins, to Stansberry’s Investment Research, to Robert Kiyosaki, and Even Mr. Apprentice himself, Donald Trump. So when I see financial experts heeding a warning along with my own studies I know it definitely is a serious matter.
The B Side To The Truth is simple today... take the time to educate yourself on a very serious matter. A financial matter.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Episode 16 - The B Side To The Truth -
Episode 16. It has been awhile since the last episode, but today hosts Chad Holmes, Colton Lindsay, and Casey Persinger with super special guest, Jordyn Lindsay, talk about marriage and relationships. Jordyn and Colton are recently married and going through the beginning stages of building a life long relationship. Also discussed is how guys fail to listen and girls need romance. Check this episode and others out at www.thebsidetothetruth.com. Also remember to follow us on facebook and twitter!
If you're gonna be stuck in paper assets at least MAKE MONEY!
Silver Wheaton Check this company out!
So If you're gonna be stuck in a paper asset as the dollar continues to devalue you will definitely want to check this company out! Silver Wheaton. Right now it has 15 silver purchase agreements at upfront agreements. This means as the price of silver goes up, the price of the purchase stays the same. There for it is an amazing return on your investment.
Most of you follower's know, I always highly recommend buying and holding actual silver or gold. Yet I assume many of you may be skeptical as most of my own family and friends are. So if you just have to have a paper asset, well this is the one for you. With stocks trading around $36 to $38 dollars a share and the price of silver looking to double in the next six months, makes this stock price a bargain with a high rate of return. Even higher rate of return if you were to buy and hold the physical silver.
Still I suggest buying and holding with the to many unknowns a head of us. Yet you are the captain of your own vessel!
The B Side To The Truth is opportunities are all around us... you have to look for them though and get off your ass sometimes. To have change in your life requires action... so take action now! And a word to the wise... if you don't have 6 to 8 months of food storage... get some quick! Wait much longer and it will be to expensive or worse... to late.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
So If you're gonna be stuck in a paper asset as the dollar continues to devalue you will definitely want to check this company out! Silver Wheaton. Right now it has 15 silver purchase agreements at upfront agreements. This means as the price of silver goes up, the price of the purchase stays the same. There for it is an amazing return on your investment.
Most of you follower's know, I always highly recommend buying and holding actual silver or gold. Yet I assume many of you may be skeptical as most of my own family and friends are. So if you just have to have a paper asset, well this is the one for you. With stocks trading around $36 to $38 dollars a share and the price of silver looking to double in the next six months, makes this stock price a bargain with a high rate of return. Even higher rate of return if you were to buy and hold the physical silver.
Still I suggest buying and holding with the to many unknowns a head of us. Yet you are the captain of your own vessel!
The B Side To The Truth is opportunities are all around us... you have to look for them though and get off your ass sometimes. To have change in your life requires action... so take action now! And a word to the wise... if you don't have 6 to 8 months of food storage... get some quick! Wait much longer and it will be to expensive or worse... to late.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Living While Preparing
Life is to be enjoyed. Simple.
As we head into uncharted waters with the United States and the largest financial crisis in history and as we head into this exact unknown future we must remember one thing. Life is to be enjoyed.
With a Mormon back ground and having served a two year mission for the church I recall one phrase from the Book of Mormon that always brought me peace. "Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy." I know no other reason for existence then simply for the feeling of joy.
With the rush of life and the world full of derivatives, we must remember this simple principle and the "pursuit of happiness". The pursuit of happiness is coined phrase from the United States Declaration of Independence that when paraphrased from English Philosopher, John Locke, it was meant in a fact of being happy. The pursuit is to constantly be looking for happiness in all things.
As my wife and I prepare for unprecedented times, we must constantly remind ourselves of the great things in our abundant life. Constantly cultivating a life full of gratitude. In all the history of time, we are alive now, in this era, and what an exciting time to be in the history of existence!
The B Side To The Truth is life is real and life is to be enjoyed. While we enjoy it we must prepare. Yet let's not get so caught up in preparations that we cannot enjoy the "pursuit of happiness!"
Colton - discover your true'ness'
As we head into uncharted waters with the United States and the largest financial crisis in history and as we head into this exact unknown future we must remember one thing. Life is to be enjoyed.
With a Mormon back ground and having served a two year mission for the church I recall one phrase from the Book of Mormon that always brought me peace. "Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy." I know no other reason for existence then simply for the feeling of joy.
With the rush of life and the world full of derivatives, we must remember this simple principle and the "pursuit of happiness". The pursuit of happiness is coined phrase from the United States Declaration of Independence that when paraphrased from English Philosopher, John Locke, it was meant in a fact of being happy. The pursuit is to constantly be looking for happiness in all things.
As my wife and I prepare for unprecedented times, we must constantly remind ourselves of the great things in our abundant life. Constantly cultivating a life full of gratitude. In all the history of time, we are alive now, in this era, and what an exciting time to be in the history of existence!
The B Side To The Truth is life is real and life is to be enjoyed. While we enjoy it we must prepare. Yet let's not get so caught up in preparations that we cannot enjoy the "pursuit of happiness!"
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Inflation Insmation!
"The United States would be mistaken to take for granted the dollar's place as the predominant reserve currency. Looking forward, there will increasingly be other options to the dollar." - Robert B. Zoellick, World Bank President.
According to Stansberry's and Associates Investment research, signs of hyper inflation have already began. Stansberry's and Associates Investment Research accurately predicted the 2008 banking crisis collapse, the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and many other large corporations. As you now know trillions of dollars was pumped into the system through bail outs.
Since early 2009 after the banking collapse we have seen inflation in many of the commodity trade industries. For example:
The B Side To The Truth is the financial crisis is not over. In fact it is just beginning. So take the time to turn off the propaganda and turn on your mind. And I would also recommend turning to God.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
According to Stansberry's and Associates Investment research, signs of hyper inflation have already began. Stansberry's and Associates Investment Research accurately predicted the 2008 banking crisis collapse, the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and many other large corporations. As you now know trillions of dollars was pumped into the system through bail outs.
Since early 2009 after the banking collapse we have seen inflation in many of the commodity trade industries. For example:
- Soy beans have gone up 28%
- Corn has gone up 48%. Also I will remind you corn is used in nearly every thing that is purchased at the grocery store.
- Silver: up 125%. Also to note, there is less supply of silver on the Earth then there is Gold.
- Gold: up 85%.
- Copper: up 170%.
The B Side To The Truth is the financial crisis is not over. In fact it is just beginning. So take the time to turn off the propaganda and turn on your mind. And I would also recommend turning to God.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Monday, December 6, 2010
Ponzi Schemes Unseen
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to separate investors from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors, rather than from any actual profit earned. The Ponzi scheme usually entices new investors by offering returns other investments cannot guarantee, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent. The perpetuation of the returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises and pays requires an ever-increasing flow of money from investors to keep the scheme going.
Knowingly entering a Ponzi scheme, even at the last round of the scheme, can be rational economically if there is a reasonable expectation that government or other deep pockets will bail out those participating in the Ponzi scheme.
Bail out is a familiar phrase these days. Trillions of dollars have just been used to bail out the current US economy and also the European Union. How is it so many Americans can continually believe in a false industry such as banking. Since 1920 when Charles Ponzi duped many of investors, there has a become an awareness for Ponzi schemes first described in Charles Dickens 1857 novel Little Dorrit.
It has been said the biggest Ponzi Scheme in history was discovered on December 10, 2008 when the FBI arrested Bernard "Bernie" Madoff totalling in over $64 billion dollars of loses from duped investors. Yet as the unraveling of bail outs and the current fiat money system of the World unfolds it is very clear to those who have any sense of financial education to recognize the real largest Ponzi Scheme of history which is the Ponzi Scheme of Central Banking. The tax payers continue to pay for the bail outs while the super rich are protected with T-notes of borrowed money from the Federal Reserve. Or in other words Government prints money and inflates the currency system.
One of two things will happen... 1. is total collapse or 2. is floating the Giant Ponzi scheme to a World Currency and World Banking System.
Dooms dayer's can sit and dwell on the fact that it is a dual edged sword, yet it is fact. So the question is what can you do to protect yourself?
1. Invest in your knowledge and financial education.
2. Buy food Storage.
3. Eliminate bad debt, ie debt that takes money out of your pocket and not into your pocket.
4. Invest in commodities, ie gold, silver, wheat, tangible usable items.
5. diversified portfolio in the system. NOT 401k's and IRA's, yet get knowledge in the bull markets and invest there.
The B Side To The Truth is the World Economy is not in a good position. The good thing is this, with the right knowledge many can come out a head through this recession. The bad thing is, many will not take control of their life to gain the necessary knowledge needed for the years to come and many will lose everything.
Start today to change the world by changing yourself. If everyone did that one thing... the world would be a better place.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Knowingly entering a Ponzi scheme, even at the last round of the scheme, can be rational economically if there is a reasonable expectation that government or other deep pockets will bail out those participating in the Ponzi scheme.
Bail out is a familiar phrase these days. Trillions of dollars have just been used to bail out the current US economy and also the European Union. How is it so many Americans can continually believe in a false industry such as banking. Since 1920 when Charles Ponzi duped many of investors, there has a become an awareness for Ponzi schemes first described in Charles Dickens 1857 novel Little Dorrit.
It has been said the biggest Ponzi Scheme in history was discovered on December 10, 2008 when the FBI arrested Bernard "Bernie" Madoff totalling in over $64 billion dollars of loses from duped investors. Yet as the unraveling of bail outs and the current fiat money system of the World unfolds it is very clear to those who have any sense of financial education to recognize the real largest Ponzi Scheme of history which is the Ponzi Scheme of Central Banking. The tax payers continue to pay for the bail outs while the super rich are protected with T-notes of borrowed money from the Federal Reserve. Or in other words Government prints money and inflates the currency system.
One of two things will happen... 1. is total collapse or 2. is floating the Giant Ponzi scheme to a World Currency and World Banking System.
Dooms dayer's can sit and dwell on the fact that it is a dual edged sword, yet it is fact. So the question is what can you do to protect yourself?
1. Invest in your knowledge and financial education.
2. Buy food Storage.
3. Eliminate bad debt, ie debt that takes money out of your pocket and not into your pocket.
4. Invest in commodities, ie gold, silver, wheat, tangible usable items.
5. diversified portfolio in the system. NOT 401k's and IRA's, yet get knowledge in the bull markets and invest there.
The B Side To The Truth is the World Economy is not in a good position. The good thing is this, with the right knowledge many can come out a head through this recession. The bad thing is, many will not take control of their life to gain the necessary knowledge needed for the years to come and many will lose everything.
Start today to change the world by changing yourself. If everyone did that one thing... the world would be a better place.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Friday, December 3, 2010
True Wealth... and Acts of Service
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” - Gandhi
The reality of life is we get lost in the hustle and bustle of things that do not even matter. As the Christmas season has arrived it is a great time to sit back and analyze the things that do matter. Over the last 4 years, the United States of America has definitely had some major changes that effected millions of Americans lifestyles.
Money comes and goes and for some seems to grow on trees, yet real joy requires no money at all. As I have had the opportunity to travel to Brazil and visit from the north part of the country to the south part of the country I have been able to see from the super rich to the slums of poverty. And believe it or not the happiest people I met were the young poor children. The one that could take the pot and beat it with a spoon and never even hear of an Ipad their whole entire life. As many locations outside of the united states are this way, I realized quickly happiness does not come from money, things, and apparel.
The B Side To The Truth is real happiness and wealth comes from acts of service and simple joys of life. Taking the time to let the stress' of life go and embrace the love of another. The ability to give whether it be time, money, or anything for a positive will develop and cultivate a true feeling of joy and happiness. Not to mention the more you give in a particular thing, the more you will receive in the same. Give more money and more money will find its way back to you. Give more time and more time will find its way back to you. Give more of your knowledge and gain more knowledge.
So during these holiday times take a second to forget about the new fancy jeans, the awesome Christmas lights, the wonderful food, the sweet new electronics and fill that time with joy, love, and service. We have created a fallacy of self-gratification during this time, when it really is a time to cultivate charity and love by giving. Ask yourself... how can I give more at this time in my life?
By giving... you will receive what you truly desire.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
The reality of life is we get lost in the hustle and bustle of things that do not even matter. As the Christmas season has arrived it is a great time to sit back and analyze the things that do matter. Over the last 4 years, the United States of America has definitely had some major changes that effected millions of Americans lifestyles.
Money comes and goes and for some seems to grow on trees, yet real joy requires no money at all. As I have had the opportunity to travel to Brazil and visit from the north part of the country to the south part of the country I have been able to see from the super rich to the slums of poverty. And believe it or not the happiest people I met were the young poor children. The one that could take the pot and beat it with a spoon and never even hear of an Ipad their whole entire life. As many locations outside of the united states are this way, I realized quickly happiness does not come from money, things, and apparel.
The B Side To The Truth is real happiness and wealth comes from acts of service and simple joys of life. Taking the time to let the stress' of life go and embrace the love of another. The ability to give whether it be time, money, or anything for a positive will develop and cultivate a true feeling of joy and happiness. Not to mention the more you give in a particular thing, the more you will receive in the same. Give more money and more money will find its way back to you. Give more time and more time will find its way back to you. Give more of your knowledge and gain more knowledge.
So during these holiday times take a second to forget about the new fancy jeans, the awesome Christmas lights, the wonderful food, the sweet new electronics and fill that time with joy, love, and service. We have created a fallacy of self-gratification during this time, when it really is a time to cultivate charity and love by giving. Ask yourself... how can I give more at this time in my life?
By giving... you will receive what you truly desire.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Beauties of Life
Lately on The B Side To The Truth our consistent theme has been in the financial realm. With the upcoming financial crisis we have been doing as much as possible to get the word out to people to help them protect themselves with the dollar inflation and the weak economy which is falsely growing.
Today however, I would like to touch on a subject that really is why this website started. As the motto goes for us, "Change the World by changing yourself", the reality of life is we have a certain amount of time on this Earth. So today this message is about just being.
On my new blog you can check out at reasonably senseless, I write about the stories our mind tends to create in life, whether good, bad, or the thoughts that makes us feel crazy. Yesterday I wrote about someone that had taken their own life. It really made a hard mental note in those at his jiu jitsu gym. It gives a sense of reality of how precious this life is.
On the new blog it is an attempt to show that everyone has similar mind games in life and give hope of not only a better future but of a better now.
The very essence of existence is beauty in itself. There are five realms to our life: spiritual, mental, physical, social, and financial. A lot of despair in today's world is coming from the fear of not enough. Whether it's not enough money, not appreciated enough, not cool enough, or simply not feeling important.
The B Side To The Truth is each and every person has an incredible amount of worth and value. The secret is to be able to look inside oneself and find it for oneself. Life and bliss is right now. Whether you are rich, middle class, or poor... you have beauty to look at. We spend most of our life worrying about things that in the end they don't even matter. So take the time today to appreciate your beauties of life.
Today however, I would like to touch on a subject that really is why this website started. As the motto goes for us, "Change the World by changing yourself", the reality of life is we have a certain amount of time on this Earth. So today this message is about just being.
On my new blog you can check out at reasonably senseless, I write about the stories our mind tends to create in life, whether good, bad, or the thoughts that makes us feel crazy. Yesterday I wrote about someone that had taken their own life. It really made a hard mental note in those at his jiu jitsu gym. It gives a sense of reality of how precious this life is.
On the new blog it is an attempt to show that everyone has similar mind games in life and give hope of not only a better future but of a better now.
The very essence of existence is beauty in itself. There are five realms to our life: spiritual, mental, physical, social, and financial. A lot of despair in today's world is coming from the fear of not enough. Whether it's not enough money, not appreciated enough, not cool enough, or simply not feeling important.
The B Side To The Truth is each and every person has an incredible amount of worth and value. The secret is to be able to look inside oneself and find it for oneself. Life and bliss is right now. Whether you are rich, middle class, or poor... you have beauty to look at. We spend most of our life worrying about things that in the end they don't even matter. So take the time today to appreciate your beauties of life.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Bull Market Vs. Bear Market
A crash really occurs when you suddenly have a violent downturn in the market that then heralds a long bull market. - Ron Chernow
Most individuals do not know the difference between a bull market and a bear market. This is one of the most important investing concept to understand. If you do not understand how the market is going, how do you know what your money is doing?
A bull market is a long-term upward trend.
A bear market is a long-term downward trend.
Right now their are bull markets in Gold, Silver, Uranium, and Commodities. Most people do not and will never invest in commodities. The average person invests in mutual funds, 401k's, and IRA's. The reality is those are in bear markets right now. Yes a downward trend. The argument is, well they will increase on average over 8% a year for the life of the fund. The ignorance in that is this... the largest bear market right now is the $US dollar. It is continually and will continue to lose it's value. Mutual Funds, 401k's, and IRA's are great ways for the rich to steal from your wealth. It is a market of derivatives... the very reason the United States is in the pickle it is in.
The B Side To The Truth is investing is simple when you do the first investment, which is gain the knowledge necessary and have the confidence in yourself to make the right decisions in every realm of life. All of life is based upon patterns, get good at understanding patterns and have the ability to create happiness now.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Most individuals do not know the difference between a bull market and a bear market. This is one of the most important investing concept to understand. If you do not understand how the market is going, how do you know what your money is doing?
A bull market is a long-term upward trend.
A bear market is a long-term downward trend.
Right now their are bull markets in Gold, Silver, Uranium, and Commodities. Most people do not and will never invest in commodities. The average person invests in mutual funds, 401k's, and IRA's. The reality is those are in bear markets right now. Yes a downward trend. The argument is, well they will increase on average over 8% a year for the life of the fund. The ignorance in that is this... the largest bear market right now is the $US dollar. It is continually and will continue to lose it's value. Mutual Funds, 401k's, and IRA's are great ways for the rich to steal from your wealth. It is a market of derivatives... the very reason the United States is in the pickle it is in.
The B Side To The Truth is investing is simple when you do the first investment, which is gain the knowledge necessary and have the confidence in yourself to make the right decisions in every realm of life. All of life is based upon patterns, get good at understanding patterns and have the ability to create happiness now.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Bull Market Top Investments
The Law of Supply and Demand: The more prospects you have for a particular product, the more it becomes worth.
The thing most people miss in their investment portfolio is knowledge. Consider investing 10% of your income in to knowledge and you will become the richest man in Babylon, or at least feel secure with your investments in insecure times.
The top bull market investments are Gold, Silver, and Uranium
The top self-relient peace of mind investments are Food, Water, and Gold or Silver coins.
The law of supply and demand is the center of what controls this life and continual market their of. As inflation and what top economist believe to be hyperinflation means "real value money" like Gold, Silver, and Uranium are top investments. As people begin to realize the fail of the dollar and those who study the markets see that value of paper money no longer exists. This means more people will turn to the Gold and Silver markets to retain wealth. There fore to be able to ride the bull market through inflation one must get on at the bus station. Today is the time to get on the bus. When most people get on the ride it will be over. Imagine getting to Disney Land just in time for it to shut down, yet you already paid to enter the theme park. You have already entered and there is not much time, the question is do you realize it?
Uranium as a top investment?? Why? Every market is driven by the law of supply and demand. As the oil market raises with the inflation of the $US, there will be $5 and $6 per gallon gas prices. There for the demand for other means of energy will increase. The next on demand product for energy is nuclear or uranium. Most all uranium companies will increase their use and their share values are relatively cheap now under $2.00 a share.
Now I am no expert in the stock market, I am an expert in social dynamics and people patterns. As patterns control every part of life, the market is also a pattern. And as history passes us by, history constantly repeats it's self.
Now if one believes in God or not, one must decide to believe in the facts, the World Economic Market is at a pivotal point in history. The difficulty will be amongst the diversified generations. Today's college students and upcoming generation of innovators have only experienced life with technology, i.e. internet, cell phones, and soon to be Iphones and droids. The fact of the matter is they are already conditioned in these walks of life, what this says is "they will be pushing the envelope in innovation." The way business is ran is and will forever change. Those however, who do not take the conscious effort to learn, they will be left behind tragically. The tragedy is the dividing line of the have's and the have not's is increasing as the majority of people will miss the boat as they are stuck in the middle class realm. The one investment to help not just hopefully thrive, yet to survive are those who gain the knowledge in where to invest, those who take control of their own financial situation, and those who can take action.
The B Side To The Truth is live the law of supply and demand on a large scale to your advantage. Do not be afraid to go against the crowd. Usually by the time a crowd gather's around, the excitement has already came and gone. So hop on and ride the bull market up.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
The thing most people miss in their investment portfolio is knowledge. Consider investing 10% of your income in to knowledge and you will become the richest man in Babylon, or at least feel secure with your investments in insecure times.
The top bull market investments are Gold, Silver, and Uranium
The top self-relient peace of mind investments are Food, Water, and Gold or Silver coins.
The law of supply and demand is the center of what controls this life and continual market their of. As inflation and what top economist believe to be hyperinflation means "real value money" like Gold, Silver, and Uranium are top investments. As people begin to realize the fail of the dollar and those who study the markets see that value of paper money no longer exists. This means more people will turn to the Gold and Silver markets to retain wealth. There fore to be able to ride the bull market through inflation one must get on at the bus station. Today is the time to get on the bus. When most people get on the ride it will be over. Imagine getting to Disney Land just in time for it to shut down, yet you already paid to enter the theme park. You have already entered and there is not much time, the question is do you realize it?
Uranium as a top investment?? Why? Every market is driven by the law of supply and demand. As the oil market raises with the inflation of the $US, there will be $5 and $6 per gallon gas prices. There for the demand for other means of energy will increase. The next on demand product for energy is nuclear or uranium. Most all uranium companies will increase their use and their share values are relatively cheap now under $2.00 a share.
Now I am no expert in the stock market, I am an expert in social dynamics and people patterns. As patterns control every part of life, the market is also a pattern. And as history passes us by, history constantly repeats it's self.
Now if one believes in God or not, one must decide to believe in the facts, the World Economic Market is at a pivotal point in history. The difficulty will be amongst the diversified generations. Today's college students and upcoming generation of innovators have only experienced life with technology, i.e. internet, cell phones, and soon to be Iphones and droids. The fact of the matter is they are already conditioned in these walks of life, what this says is "they will be pushing the envelope in innovation." The way business is ran is and will forever change. Those however, who do not take the conscious effort to learn, they will be left behind tragically. The tragedy is the dividing line of the have's and the have not's is increasing as the majority of people will miss the boat as they are stuck in the middle class realm. The one investment to help not just hopefully thrive, yet to survive are those who gain the knowledge in where to invest, those who take control of their own financial situation, and those who can take action.
The B Side To The Truth is live the law of supply and demand on a large scale to your advantage. Do not be afraid to go against the crowd. Usually by the time a crowd gather's around, the excitement has already came and gone. So hop on and ride the bull market up.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Friday, November 26, 2010
Top 10 myths. Financial Advice for average people. This is why the rich get richer and the middle class and poor are getting poorer right before our eyes, yet no one knows what to do about it!
1. Go to School
2. Get a job
3. Work hard
4. Save money
5. Your house is an investment and your biggest investment
6. Live below your means
7. Get out of debt
8. Invest for the long term in a well diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
9. Retire and the government will support you.
10. Live happily ever after.
Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich.
The conditioned myths in each one of us as individuals continues to hold us back. In order to change the results we want in our life we must start with in our own belief system. Start with different language, different words, positive phrases, and to be able to do that, spend time gaining knowledge!
Colton - discover your true'ness'
1. Go to School
2. Get a job
3. Work hard
4. Save money
5. Your house is an investment and your biggest investment
6. Live below your means
7. Get out of debt
8. Invest for the long term in a well diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
9. Retire and the government will support you.
10. Live happily ever after.
Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich.
The conditioned myths in each one of us as individuals continues to hold us back. In order to change the results we want in our life we must start with in our own belief system. Start with different language, different words, positive phrases, and to be able to do that, spend time gaining knowledge!
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Friends and Dollar Signs
Since when was it OK to look at friends with dollar signs in our eyes? - Casey McFarland
In the past couple of weeks I have had the opportunity to meet a variety of people that some could be a wonderful asset and others could be a terrible liability. It truly is amazing to see the fight to survive come alive in people when the economy and typical opportunity begins to shrink.
A couple of weeks ago I met a fellow by the name of Shawn Watkins. He related the fight for survival of the shrinking economy to a billabong in Australia. A billabong is a small lake that get's cut of from the river. In the heat the crocodiles will soak in the water to cool down. Yet as the billabong begins to shrink, the fight to cool down begins to increase as there is less water to go around. That is what seems to be happening in almost every industry in every market right now.
As the billabong of the economy shrinks it becomes easier to see who your friends are. It seems friends are replaced as dollar signs in good times and bad. So be careful, not with people choosing money over you, yet you choosing money over people.
The B Side To The Truth is there is more than enough opportunity to go around. Yet what keeps us from getting our slice of the pie? The first and foremost is the lack of knowledge in a changing market. When times were hot anyone could make money, even those who were uneducated. When times get cold sort of speak, the best investment one can start with is the knowledge and know how. Investing in your education should be a regular expense in a person's life, and I do not mean traditional public school or money making colleges.
A few steps to successful investing in any market:
1. Treat life as a investment.
2. Take the time to get the knowledge and education necessary. We all have 168 hours in a week. Figure out what your time is worth and treat it that way. And every hour you spend educating yourself and creating commitments, then consider this a pay raise on what you are worth per hour. A simple formula given by Neil Strauss is: Know what your time is worth. There's an easy formula to calculate this: Take your earnings for the year. Divide that number by 1760. The resulting number is roughly what you make hourly in a work week. However, considering that statistically most people work for an average of one-third of a work hour, multiply that number by three. Now you know what your time is really worth. Treat it that way.
3. Invest in food storage.
4. Invest in your debt. How do you invest in your debt? Simple create a financial statement that includes your monthly income, monthly expenses, total real assests (remember your personal home is a liability, not an asset. An asset puts money in your pocket, a liability takes money out of your pocket), and total liabilities. Create a plan to decrease your expenses and increase your income.
5. Invest in gold, silver, tangible usable goods, and section 8 housing or housing in the working class range. There will always be a working class.
Colton -discover your true'ness'
In the past couple of weeks I have had the opportunity to meet a variety of people that some could be a wonderful asset and others could be a terrible liability. It truly is amazing to see the fight to survive come alive in people when the economy and typical opportunity begins to shrink.
A couple of weeks ago I met a fellow by the name of Shawn Watkins. He related the fight for survival of the shrinking economy to a billabong in Australia. A billabong is a small lake that get's cut of from the river. In the heat the crocodiles will soak in the water to cool down. Yet as the billabong begins to shrink, the fight to cool down begins to increase as there is less water to go around. That is what seems to be happening in almost every industry in every market right now.
As the billabong of the economy shrinks it becomes easier to see who your friends are. It seems friends are replaced as dollar signs in good times and bad. So be careful, not with people choosing money over you, yet you choosing money over people.
The B Side To The Truth is there is more than enough opportunity to go around. Yet what keeps us from getting our slice of the pie? The first and foremost is the lack of knowledge in a changing market. When times were hot anyone could make money, even those who were uneducated. When times get cold sort of speak, the best investment one can start with is the knowledge and know how. Investing in your education should be a regular expense in a person's life, and I do not mean traditional public school or money making colleges.
A few steps to successful investing in any market:
1. Treat life as a investment.
2. Take the time to get the knowledge and education necessary. We all have 168 hours in a week. Figure out what your time is worth and treat it that way. And every hour you spend educating yourself and creating commitments, then consider this a pay raise on what you are worth per hour. A simple formula given by Neil Strauss is: Know what your time is worth. There's an easy formula to calculate this: Take your earnings for the year. Divide that number by 1760. The resulting number is roughly what you make hourly in a work week. However, considering that statistically most people work for an average of one-third of a work hour, multiply that number by three. Now you know what your time is really worth. Treat it that way.
3. Invest in food storage.
4. Invest in your debt. How do you invest in your debt? Simple create a financial statement that includes your monthly income, monthly expenses, total real assests (remember your personal home is a liability, not an asset. An asset puts money in your pocket, a liability takes money out of your pocket), and total liabilities. Create a plan to decrease your expenses and increase your income.
5. Invest in gold, silver, tangible usable goods, and section 8 housing or housing in the working class range. There will always be a working class.
Colton -discover your true'ness'
Monday, November 15, 2010
Why This Financial Crisis Is and Will Be Different?
"I am afraid my generation and their kids are not prepared for the economic decline, a depression that may be coming. If a person has only known an expanding economy, he or she may not be prepared for life in a deflating or hyperinflating economy. - Robert Kiyosaki
The lack of self-education is typically what haunts and keeps us from seizing and taking advantage of opportunities. As we approach 2011 with a very unstable economy and market, many say "stop looking at the negative". I say "start looking at the negative and educate yourself on taking the steps now to create temporal and eternal wealth". The ability to hear and see what is going on in the World is eternal knowledge that when situations and time for decisions arise one will be able to make and educated decision.
The B Side To The Truth is different than normal today. The B Side is the decisions that need to be made, need to be and should be decided today. In previous post we have talked about the best investments by being:
1. Get the knowledge and do your due diligence.
2. Food Storage
3. Get out of Debt.
4. Spend dollars, save goods. i.e. gold, silver, food, agriculture land, and section 8 government housing. DO NOT save your dollars in a bank account, roth IRA, 401k's, and mutual funds.
Those things are what can be done to invest temporally. Yet eternally, that comes down to following the dictates of your own conscience and conditioning oneself to hear and listen to his intuition. A different nutty way. A few great places to study this subject are: Malcom Gladwell's book, Blink, and begin to study the subject of silence and stillness.
Truth is found in all things through principles.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
The lack of self-education is typically what haunts and keeps us from seizing and taking advantage of opportunities. As we approach 2011 with a very unstable economy and market, many say "stop looking at the negative". I say "start looking at the negative and educate yourself on taking the steps now to create temporal and eternal wealth". The ability to hear and see what is going on in the World is eternal knowledge that when situations and time for decisions arise one will be able to make and educated decision.
The B Side To The Truth is different than normal today. The B Side is the decisions that need to be made, need to be and should be decided today. In previous post we have talked about the best investments by being:
1. Get the knowledge and do your due diligence.
2. Food Storage
3. Get out of Debt.
4. Spend dollars, save goods. i.e. gold, silver, food, agriculture land, and section 8 government housing. DO NOT save your dollars in a bank account, roth IRA, 401k's, and mutual funds.
Those things are what can be done to invest temporally. Yet eternally, that comes down to following the dictates of your own conscience and conditioning oneself to hear and listen to his intuition. A different nutty way. A few great places to study this subject are: Malcom Gladwell's book, Blink, and begin to study the subject of silence and stillness.
Truth is found in all things through principles.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Friday, November 12, 2010
What If or What is?
“What if a demon were to creep after you one night, in your loneliest loneliness, and say, 'This life which you live must be lived by you once again and innumerable times more; and every pain and joy and thought and sigh must come again to you, all in the same sequence. The eternal hourglass will again and again be turned and you with it, dust of the dust!' Would you throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse that demon? Or would you answer, 'Never have I heard anything more divine'?” - Friedrich Nietzsche
No one truly knows the future. We can simply speculate according to the facts. The problem is how do we look at the facts and from what angle? There are so many angles that it really can cause confusion and the creation of a "What if?" scenario.
What if tomorrow didn't come? Did you live your fullest today? Did your love ones know you were there for them? Did you do your best to serve mankind? Robert Kiyosaki said, "The most destroying word of all is the word tomorrow."
The B Side To The Truth is we can constantly create stories in our mind and ask questions of "what if". Yet when we do this it takes away the real, the now, the today. So stop asking "what if" and start asking "what is"!
Colton - discover your true'ness'
No one truly knows the future. We can simply speculate according to the facts. The problem is how do we look at the facts and from what angle? There are so many angles that it really can cause confusion and the creation of a "What if?" scenario.
What if tomorrow didn't come? Did you live your fullest today? Did your love ones know you were there for them? Did you do your best to serve mankind? Robert Kiyosaki said, "The most destroying word of all is the word tomorrow."
The B Side To The Truth is we can constantly create stories in our mind and ask questions of "what if". Yet when we do this it takes away the real, the now, the today. So stop asking "what if" and start asking "what is"!
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Fine Tune The Law Of Attraction
Our mind contains all of the power necessary to give, to create, and to receive. The problem is for most individuals they have it backwards. Typically people think receive, create, then they will give. That then makes one become dependent on another and not independent. Once a person can understand this they can transform their independence into interdependence.
Each and everyone us have the ability to create. Yet the question is "just because we can create, does it mean we should?"
There are two types of mindsets that exist in the second dimension. ( Blog Post explaning second dimension on April 18, 2010) The Producer Mindset and The Consumer Mindset. One should look at the second and third dimension as using a Mac Computer with VmWare or Parallels. Those are programs that allow one to switch between a Mac operating system and a Windows operating system. One must arrive into a state of mind where just existing is the beauty in itself, yet has the ability to take control and create when things need and should be created. The issue with most people is they get stuck in a selfish mode of creation and seek to do so for power.
The B Side To The Truth is to fine tune the law of attraction not for gain, yet for the existence of being and enjoying. We are not here to be miserable. We are here to exist in happiness. It is something that just is in your state of mind with the ability to create and protect and retain.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Each and everyone us have the ability to create. Yet the question is "just because we can create, does it mean we should?"
There are two types of mindsets that exist in the second dimension. ( Blog Post explaning second dimension on April 18, 2010) The Producer Mindset and The Consumer Mindset. One should look at the second and third dimension as using a Mac Computer with VmWare or Parallels. Those are programs that allow one to switch between a Mac operating system and a Windows operating system. One must arrive into a state of mind where just existing is the beauty in itself, yet has the ability to take control and create when things need and should be created. The issue with most people is they get stuck in a selfish mode of creation and seek to do so for power.
The B Side To The Truth is to fine tune the law of attraction not for gain, yet for the existence of being and enjoying. We are not here to be miserable. We are here to exist in happiness. It is something that just is in your state of mind with the ability to create and protect and retain.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
“Freedom is not procured by a full enjoyment of what is desired, but by controlling the desire.” - Epictetus
Sometimes we forget to enjoy the very simple things of life. On The B Side To The Truth we are constantly posting content that opens the minds and eyes of people that seek for truth. We post things in the media, things in the finance World, things in the government, and things that increase our human life value.
It is however important to stop looking sometimes and simply enjoy everything around you. One of the best ways to do so is by gratitude. There are many ways to share gratitude.
Here are a few steps in simply enjoying life.
1. Write a gratitude list of people you are grateful, specifically why, and send them a gratitude text, note, email, or even a phone call.
2. Turn off the TV, Cell Phone, all distractions when you are with someone and simply ask them to do the same. This will create real conversation and be there at that time 100%.
3. Give more. Simply give just because you can give. With all of the movement in personal coaching and positive thinking industry, often times we thing of giving to receive. Start giving just to give and not expecting anything in return.
4. Go on a walk and leave all electronics behind. No Ipod, cell phone, noise maker or anything. Simply walk and experience the joy of creation around you.
5. Smile. Smile just to smile and watch the outcome. It will brighten your day and the day of those around.
The B Side To The Truth is life is to be enjoyed. Many of us struggle daily to find real lasting enjoyment. The pursuit of happiness is constant. It means to be happy just simply to be happy. Society have misinterpreted the pursuit of happiness as a destination and not a journey. The enjoyment is in the today, the now, and the journey.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Sometimes we forget to enjoy the very simple things of life. On The B Side To The Truth we are constantly posting content that opens the minds and eyes of people that seek for truth. We post things in the media, things in the finance World, things in the government, and things that increase our human life value.
It is however important to stop looking sometimes and simply enjoy everything around you. One of the best ways to do so is by gratitude. There are many ways to share gratitude.
Here are a few steps in simply enjoying life.
1. Write a gratitude list of people you are grateful, specifically why, and send them a gratitude text, note, email, or even a phone call.
2. Turn off the TV, Cell Phone, all distractions when you are with someone and simply ask them to do the same. This will create real conversation and be there at that time 100%.
3. Give more. Simply give just because you can give. With all of the movement in personal coaching and positive thinking industry, often times we thing of giving to receive. Start giving just to give and not expecting anything in return.
4. Go on a walk and leave all electronics behind. No Ipod, cell phone, noise maker or anything. Simply walk and experience the joy of creation around you.
5. Smile. Smile just to smile and watch the outcome. It will brighten your day and the day of those around.
The B Side To The Truth is life is to be enjoyed. Many of us struggle daily to find real lasting enjoyment. The pursuit of happiness is constant. It means to be happy just simply to be happy. Society have misinterpreted the pursuit of happiness as a destination and not a journey. The enjoyment is in the today, the now, and the journey.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Weed Out The Mental Garden
"Life's a garden, dig it!" - Joe Dirt
Each every day we are bombarded with the stresses of life in every one of the five realms. In doing so we miss some of the greatest secrets to happiness such as expressing more gratitude and giving more. We deal with worries of children, finances, church callings, work duties, bills, school, or whatever the weeds are in your life.
Imagine each one of the five realms as a plant. To grow the best garden preparation begins even before planting the seeds. It takes preparing the soil, fertilizing it properly, tilling the ground, clearing the weeds and then one must make sure they know the length of their growing season. So the seeds must be planted in the right part of the season. While the plants begin to grow, the gardener must continually take care of the garden buy watering the plants and clearing the weeds out regularly and consistently so the plants have room to take good root and absorb all of the nutrients necessary.
It is the same principle with our human life value. The problem is most people are so bombarded by weeds they do not now where to begin taking inventory on their human garden. Here are a few tips.
1. Schedule a time to take inventory. This may be hard for some because we are oh so busy with life running from one appointment to the next we even forget to eat. Remember though, scheduling is about scheduling your priorities, not prioritizing your schedule. Make a commitment to make inventory or what I call B Side hour a regular consistent time in your life. It is like playing in the super bowl and not preparing for the game. The better and more consistent one prepares, the better their human life value gardening will go.
2. Break down the five realms: spiritual, mental, physical, social, and financial. Then in each realm rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 10. In each realm ask yourself, "What would it take to make this realm a 10?" Pick one thing, focus on it, then create a habit from it.
3. Be consistent and remember the principle of small and simple things. Do not be too hard on yourself. Knowledge and change do not happen over night. And the interesting thing is your habits will begin to change. You will begin to eat healthier, pray more often, read more books, and as you do this your mind is filled with goodness and pushes out the habits we either dislike or don't yet realize we have.
4. Write in a journal. It allows one to express their stress' and thoughts and organize their mind to think more clearly.
5. Meditate. Meditation is a lot more simple than people make it. People think they need a lot of patience to sit still and just think in silence. The reality is, it must be done effortlessly. Whatever happens, happens. This is an exercise that will bring more value over time when it is consistently performed.
6. Turn off the noise. Turn off the TV just for sound in the house. Turn off the cell phone to eliminate the stress of whatever it is. If it is an emergency they can always call 911! Turn off the radio in the car and just enjoy great conversation or pure silence. Turn off the computer and get off Facebook so much. A lot of stress comes from subconscious desires of want and acceptance in the social realm. People need you, you don't need them.
The B Side To The Truth is our mind is continually being cluttered with noise, weeds, and garbage. Yet most of society does not take the time to weed their human garden. By doing so it will create clarity, it will create better marriages and relationships, it will make you more successful in your business' and most important it will give one the sense of happiness just for the sake of being happy for no reason.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Each every day we are bombarded with the stresses of life in every one of the five realms. In doing so we miss some of the greatest secrets to happiness such as expressing more gratitude and giving more. We deal with worries of children, finances, church callings, work duties, bills, school, or whatever the weeds are in your life.
Imagine each one of the five realms as a plant. To grow the best garden preparation begins even before planting the seeds. It takes preparing the soil, fertilizing it properly, tilling the ground, clearing the weeds and then one must make sure they know the length of their growing season. So the seeds must be planted in the right part of the season. While the plants begin to grow, the gardener must continually take care of the garden buy watering the plants and clearing the weeds out regularly and consistently so the plants have room to take good root and absorb all of the nutrients necessary.
It is the same principle with our human life value. The problem is most people are so bombarded by weeds they do not now where to begin taking inventory on their human garden. Here are a few tips.
1. Schedule a time to take inventory. This may be hard for some because we are oh so busy with life running from one appointment to the next we even forget to eat. Remember though, scheduling is about scheduling your priorities, not prioritizing your schedule. Make a commitment to make inventory or what I call B Side hour a regular consistent time in your life. It is like playing in the super bowl and not preparing for the game. The better and more consistent one prepares, the better their human life value gardening will go.
2. Break down the five realms: spiritual, mental, physical, social, and financial. Then in each realm rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 10. In each realm ask yourself, "What would it take to make this realm a 10?" Pick one thing, focus on it, then create a habit from it.
3. Be consistent and remember the principle of small and simple things. Do not be too hard on yourself. Knowledge and change do not happen over night. And the interesting thing is your habits will begin to change. You will begin to eat healthier, pray more often, read more books, and as you do this your mind is filled with goodness and pushes out the habits we either dislike or don't yet realize we have.
4. Write in a journal. It allows one to express their stress' and thoughts and organize their mind to think more clearly.
5. Meditate. Meditation is a lot more simple than people make it. People think they need a lot of patience to sit still and just think in silence. The reality is, it must be done effortlessly. Whatever happens, happens. This is an exercise that will bring more value over time when it is consistently performed.
6. Turn off the noise. Turn off the TV just for sound in the house. Turn off the cell phone to eliminate the stress of whatever it is. If it is an emergency they can always call 911! Turn off the radio in the car and just enjoy great conversation or pure silence. Turn off the computer and get off Facebook so much. A lot of stress comes from subconscious desires of want and acceptance in the social realm. People need you, you don't need them.
The B Side To The Truth is our mind is continually being cluttered with noise, weeds, and garbage. Yet most of society does not take the time to weed their human garden. By doing so it will create clarity, it will create better marriages and relationships, it will make you more successful in your business' and most important it will give one the sense of happiness just for the sake of being happy for no reason.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Monday, November 8, 2010
Confused on where to invest!?
“Invest three percent of your income in yourself (self-development) in order to guarantee your future.” - Brian Tracy
Constantly I talk about the 5 realms of human life value that give one the ability to take their life from the A Side Of Fallacy to The B Side Of The Truth. These realms consist of spiritual, mental, physical, social, and financial.
In this crucial time where many know not where to invest. Below are a few steps where to start.
1. In yourself. Invest in your knowledge and education. Before you give your money to someone else to control, take the time to invest in your personal education in one of the 5 realms. First and foremost invest time into your spiritual and mental realm, then invest in your financial realm for knowledge. Know how money works and where our current money system is. It is crucial to know so that one can make educated decisions that will give a greater return. Remember... when investing in knowledge it will always give an infinite return.
2. Invest in food storage. This goes along with step 1. Do the research to know why it is important and how to get it. Start with the basics and then learn in depth how not only to have food storage to eat, yet also to have food storage with nutrition.
3. Invest in natural assets. IE wheat, gold, silver, and commodities that can be used to your best interest. Invest only in commodities that you can actually hold. The B Side recommends silver. It is the poor man's gold! It is very affordable now and there is an actual demand for it in products of technology and other things.
The B Side To The Truth is there will be many financial changes in the World over the next 6 to 12 months. Invest first in yourself with knowledge. Even if you have no money, you do have time. Everyone has 168 hours a week. How are you using your time. Is it watching TV, playing on Facebook, and surfing the web? Or is it taking the time to invest in your 5 realms of human life value?
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Constantly I talk about the 5 realms of human life value that give one the ability to take their life from the A Side Of Fallacy to The B Side Of The Truth. These realms consist of spiritual, mental, physical, social, and financial.
In this crucial time where many know not where to invest. Below are a few steps where to start.
1. In yourself. Invest in your knowledge and education. Before you give your money to someone else to control, take the time to invest in your personal education in one of the 5 realms. First and foremost invest time into your spiritual and mental realm, then invest in your financial realm for knowledge. Know how money works and where our current money system is. It is crucial to know so that one can make educated decisions that will give a greater return. Remember... when investing in knowledge it will always give an infinite return.
2. Invest in food storage. This goes along with step 1. Do the research to know why it is important and how to get it. Start with the basics and then learn in depth how not only to have food storage to eat, yet also to have food storage with nutrition.
3. Invest in natural assets. IE wheat, gold, silver, and commodities that can be used to your best interest. Invest only in commodities that you can actually hold. The B Side recommends silver. It is the poor man's gold! It is very affordable now and there is an actual demand for it in products of technology and other things.
The B Side To The Truth is there will be many financial changes in the World over the next 6 to 12 months. Invest first in yourself with knowledge. Even if you have no money, you do have time. Everyone has 168 hours a week. How are you using your time. Is it watching TV, playing on Facebook, and surfing the web? Or is it taking the time to invest in your 5 realms of human life value?
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Future Is Here. Holograms?
Scientist at the University of Arizona say they have a prototype for a three dimensional hologram. Is it possible to have holograms, surogates, and more things that will create a lazier society? Click the link below to check out the details at FT.com.
Click this link for the full story
Click this link for the full story
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Tony Robbins 2010 Market Warning
At the end of last month I posted a warning from financial IQ specialist Robert Kyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad). Two respectable men that are standing up to heed a warning to us on the upcoming market changes from the rest of 2010 and through 2011.
The B Side To The Truth encourages all to due your due diligence now. Prepare for some major changes in the United States, The World, and the economy as a whole. It is necessary to get 6-8 months of food storage.
This is not another fear driven message. This is an opportunity message. A time to protect and prepare to grow.
Please with any questions email me personally at thebsidetothetruth@gmail.com
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Clear Mental Image
“I experience a period of frightening clarity in those moments when nature is so beautiful. I am no longer sure of myself, and the paintings appear as in a dream” - Vincent van Gogh
People are confused today with the current economic situation. As I stood in line today at America First Credit Union, I was eves dropping like every nosey person does at the bank... and the person next to me was complaining because they got a late fee for missing a payment. As I was doing my transaction I over heard the clerk go over their mortgage, auto loan 1, auto loan 2, auto loan number 3, credit card 1, credit card 2, credit card 3, and then the home equity line of credit.
I am convinced it is not the responsibility of the government or another person for our own fiscal mistakes (Although they do not help either). Yet it is a lack of clarity and a knowledge of a direction in which to take one's life. The above example is a true example. And more than over 60% of Americans are in this position. The question is how does one take control of their own situation?
The B Side To The Truth is clarity begins in the spiritual and mental realms. A solid relationship with yourself if crucial. When you connect with your inner-self, you are really connecting with a higher being or also known as God. As this allows stress to escape, it also allows you to analyze each realm of your life and commit to transformation.
Here is an exercise to use. Choose one of the 5 realms (Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Financial, and Social) and rate yourself on scale of 1 to 10. Then ask yourself, what would it take to make this realm a 10? Then make a commitment to ad what you are missing to your realm. Start simple and one thing at a time.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
People are confused today with the current economic situation. As I stood in line today at America First Credit Union, I was eves dropping like every nosey person does at the bank... and the person next to me was complaining because they got a late fee for missing a payment. As I was doing my transaction I over heard the clerk go over their mortgage, auto loan 1, auto loan 2, auto loan number 3, credit card 1, credit card 2, credit card 3, and then the home equity line of credit.
I am convinced it is not the responsibility of the government or another person for our own fiscal mistakes (Although they do not help either). Yet it is a lack of clarity and a knowledge of a direction in which to take one's life. The above example is a true example. And more than over 60% of Americans are in this position. The question is how does one take control of their own situation?
The B Side To The Truth is clarity begins in the spiritual and mental realms. A solid relationship with yourself if crucial. When you connect with your inner-self, you are really connecting with a higher being or also known as God. As this allows stress to escape, it also allows you to analyze each realm of your life and commit to transformation.
Here is an exercise to use. Choose one of the 5 realms (Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Financial, and Social) and rate yourself on scale of 1 to 10. Then ask yourself, what would it take to make this realm a 10? Then make a commitment to ad what you are missing to your realm. Start simple and one thing at a time.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Breast Cancer!? Find a Cure!? Gold Standard!? Freedom!?
“Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices.” - Alfred A. Montapert
According to the American Cancer Society, over 1500 Americans die a day from cancer. Millions are seeking daily for a cure for cancer.
The question is why is cancer so prevalent amongst our society? The cancer rate has increased 60% since the 1950's(The Politics of Cancer). There also has been a great increase in other diseases such as diabetes and autism. Along with this there has been bigger increase in Genetically Modified Food and The Fight To End Hunger.
In 1971 there were two curious events that would effect the World for worse over the next several decades. Both issued by President Nixon. First the Gold Standard was lifted. That means the American US Dollar was and til this day not backed up by Gold yet is only backed up by the good word of an IOU. Also in that same year President Nixon issued a $25 billion dollar fight on the war against cancer.
One thing that we should be concerned at is the consistent big government and continual declaration of war on something. IE war on terrorism, war on drugs, war on cancer, and other government agencies that were to be temporary yet happened to stay permanent. These mean increase on taxes and less of your money stays in your pocket. Education is required to reduces your taxes and increase your net to protect yourself and your way of life.
Before 1913 no American paid federal income tax. In 1913 was the year of the birth of The Federal Reserve. The Feds are also not a government entity, yet an individual owned central bank. And it is The Feds that continually push to pump the American Economy with more paper fiat money. Keep your eyes on the election this month. As this happens inflation occurs to correct the deflation that has occurred from the last market bubble burst.
The B Side To The Truth is cancer is easy to cure. It starts by eating more natural foods and less processed foods. The way to protect ones self of the current economic situation of next bubble burst will be increased cash flow and solid investment. IE Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Food. These items will still hold a value even when the dollar collapses. The dollar will collapse or their will be some sort of currency reset. Now is the time to prepare for tomorrow by education oneself on the current market and how things work. Education comes in five different realms. Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Social, and Financial. There is no need to have cancer and there is no need to be broke even though the World is living off of derivatives.
Stop blaming others for your failure to receive education and facts instead of hear say and lies. Big government is increasing, yet you can still protect yourself.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Friday, October 29, 2010
Grateful for a Mansion!
As I explore the wonderful world of investing and how money really works and not we work for money, I have had the opportunity to meet with some brilliant individuals that have learned the power of giving and the power of receiving.
Yesterday I met with a fellow named Barry. He got into the real estate business around 1995 and he told me of the day that changed his life. He had recently listed a house off of west 24th street on about C Avenue. He posted the sign and by the time he got back to his office he received a phone call for someone to see the house.
As he arrived he met a gal by the name of, Marie. She was a legal hispanic that had been renting her entire life and marriage. She loved the little 2 bedroom 1 bath house and said she would like to return to see it with her husband. Barry doing his pre-qualifications asked if they had money down, if they could afford, job history and various questions to make sure they could get the lending on the home. She said "yes, my husband has a solid job as a painter and works a lot of overtime. I think we should be able to afford it."
A few hours later Marie returned with her husband. As they walked through the house with Barry they spoke their native tounge of the Spanish language. The husband did not speak a lick of English. After they were through the house the husband started crying. Barry asked, "why is he crying?" The words Marie uttered would stick with Barry the rest of his life. Marie relayed the message to Barry and these were his words, "I never thought that we would be able to afford to live in a mansion like this."
The B Side To The Truth is we as humans spend so much time focusing on the stuff or things we don't have. When in reality we should be focusing on all the great blessings we do have. As we do this it enables our mind to be full of gratitude and creates an energy within that brings true joy and happiness.
To be rich is a state of mind. It starts within and works it's way out. So start today by seeing the mansion in your life.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Yesterday I met with a fellow named Barry. He got into the real estate business around 1995 and he told me of the day that changed his life. He had recently listed a house off of west 24th street on about C Avenue. He posted the sign and by the time he got back to his office he received a phone call for someone to see the house.
As he arrived he met a gal by the name of, Marie. She was a legal hispanic that had been renting her entire life and marriage. She loved the little 2 bedroom 1 bath house and said she would like to return to see it with her husband. Barry doing his pre-qualifications asked if they had money down, if they could afford, job history and various questions to make sure they could get the lending on the home. She said "yes, my husband has a solid job as a painter and works a lot of overtime. I think we should be able to afford it."
A few hours later Marie returned with her husband. As they walked through the house with Barry they spoke their native tounge of the Spanish language. The husband did not speak a lick of English. After they were through the house the husband started crying. Barry asked, "why is he crying?" The words Marie uttered would stick with Barry the rest of his life. Marie relayed the message to Barry and these were his words, "I never thought that we would be able to afford to live in a mansion like this."
The B Side To The Truth is we as humans spend so much time focusing on the stuff or things we don't have. When in reality we should be focusing on all the great blessings we do have. As we do this it enables our mind to be full of gratitude and creates an energy within that brings true joy and happiness.
To be rich is a state of mind. It starts within and works it's way out. So start today by seeing the mansion in your life.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
A Marxism Model? Is it Possible in the USA?
History is said to repeat itself? This may be the case... what can one do to prepare and protect them self? Follow The B Side To The Truth as you learn to think for yourself and not through the eyes of fear. Life should not be feared! Life should be enjoyed! Yet enjoyment requires standards and core values. When these are removed... you give control over yourself to someone else.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Butterfly Effect and No Integrity
According to Wikipedia
Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations and outcomes. In western ethics, integrity is regarded as the quality of having an intuitive sense of honesty and truthfulness in regard to the motivations for one's actions.[citation needed] Integrity can be regarded as the opposite of hypocrisy,[1] in that it regards internal consistency as a virtue, and suggests that parties holding apparently conflicting values should account for the discrepancy or alter their beliefs.
It is interesting to see the fall of humanity. As the Feds play a false market, debt continues to rain over the United States as a country and even more so to individual citizens, rapidly we are seeing this country change from being an empire to a crashing 3rd world status. Most everything is outsourced to China or other countries for cheaper costs and greater profits in the international banksters and investors pockets. And as the majority of people are becoming the have not's, the fight to stay alive is increasing and Darwinism is literally being forced upon society. Yet society itself cannot see it.
As this occurs... real estate market and automobile market are severely suffering with brokerage merges and dealership closures happening in our own back yard, we the people say "its only down sizing..." yet lets be honest with our self... the recession is not over... it is just beginning. We see hyper inflation occurring with in the trade industry and mortgage rates at an all time most difficult juggling act. These things continue downward and have a butterfly effect that trickles down to us as human beings in the United States of America. As problems mount, integrity goes completely out the window. We become more concerned about the survival of our-self and our own family, that we would lie, still, cheat, deceive, and possibly kill for the survival of our family.
The B Side To The Truth is now is the time to prepare for much turmoil amongst our nation. Within 6 to 12 months the dollar will have crashed, or will be hanging by less of string than now. And now more than ever must we come together as humanity and communities to live the golden rule and to help out one another. Do what we say we are going to do and live a moral standard to raise up others! The best way to do so at this point is to prepare yourself for change.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
When Shit Happens!?
Sometimes shit happens in life and you can either cry about it or clean it up and move on. - Colton Lindsay
In the winter it seems like getting up early is even harder. As life goes on and principles are discovered from eternal to temporal. A well used free principle to success and happiness is quoted best by Benjamin Franklin, "Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." So today I was up bright and early.
As Jordyn left for wedding preparations (tanning and getting her nails done, lol), I focused on increasing my passive income portfolio studying. This last year I started buying and selling jeeps for a profit. Happens to work real well for me. She took one of the jeeps to run her wedding errands and as she got home she had realized someone had backed into the jeep and not left a note. AHHHHHHH!
Now this is nothing new to have happened to people in life. Often times things happen to us that we cannot control. This happened to be one of them.
The B Side To The Truth is this... when shit happens, we have an opportunity to choose. The choices are we can react to our emotions or we can observe our emotions. When we choose to observe our emotions and evaluate the situation, typically things have a way of taking care of them self. At the end of the day the foundation must be built and maintained. The foundation luckily enough is simple. Food, water, shelter and love. At the end of the day if those are taken care of... everything else can just happen.
So ask yourself... what will you do when shit happens?
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Struggle
The Struggle
IN THE PRISTINE WATERS of the Russian River, thousands of Alaskan Salmon struggle each year to make their way upstream. Known for their relentless determination, the great numbers of these Salmon challenge young men in the area to catch one barehanded. Wading into the midst of the fish during the height of a run, the trick is to secure one of the strong, slippery Salmon long enough to toss it ashore. Attempts to seize the head and mouth of the fish or grasp it at the mid-section are fruitless. The sensitivity of the fish, and its tremendous strength and agility prevent the success of these techniques. Nevertheless, some fish are still plucked from their course and tossed ashore.
WHY ARE SOME PLUCKED while others are not? In their struggle to make it upstream, the Salmon constantly nip at the tail of the fish in front of them in an attempt to pull it back, to slow it down. Initially, the highly sensitive tail causes a fish to react, and in so doing, fall behind. However, as the nipping cycle continues, the tails eventually become desensitized. Soon the constant nipping begins to go unnoticed. As a result, a young man can reach into the water and grasp an unsuspecting Salmon by its desensitized tail and fling it out of the water. Despite great determination and abilities, some Salmon never reach their destination - instead they find themselves plucked and gasping on the shore.
LIKE THE SALMON, many of us are determined to get ahead, to make it upstream. Everyday we encounter people and circumstances that nip at us in an attempt to slow us down, pull us back. We also become desensitized; not at the nipping, but as to the purpose of our journey. The relentless nipping of naysayers begins to confuse and obscure the once great desire that fueled our passion. As a result, our efforts begin to wane. Despite great determination and abilities, we can find ourselves plucked from the flow of life and gasping on the shore.
(From the Coaches Corner at Rich Dad Coaching)
The B Side To The Truth is that there are principles that make life easier, more successful, and a lot happier. In the story above the struggle was for the salmon to make it up stream, and the struggle for the young men is knowing how to pluck one of them out of the stream on to the river bank. Often times we have a thought or idea, yet we don't perfect the action. In order to get to where we want in life temporally and eternally we must learn the better action and continue with determination. To achieve that we must invest in our self and gain knowledge through study, pondering, and experience.
So... are you ready to struggle and figure things out? Today is the day to start!
Colton - discover your true'ness'
IN THE PRISTINE WATERS of the Russian River, thousands of Alaskan Salmon struggle each year to make their way upstream. Known for their relentless determination, the great numbers of these Salmon challenge young men in the area to catch one barehanded. Wading into the midst of the fish during the height of a run, the trick is to secure one of the strong, slippery Salmon long enough to toss it ashore. Attempts to seize the head and mouth of the fish or grasp it at the mid-section are fruitless. The sensitivity of the fish, and its tremendous strength and agility prevent the success of these techniques. Nevertheless, some fish are still plucked from their course and tossed ashore.
WHY ARE SOME PLUCKED while others are not? In their struggle to make it upstream, the Salmon constantly nip at the tail of the fish in front of them in an attempt to pull it back, to slow it down. Initially, the highly sensitive tail causes a fish to react, and in so doing, fall behind. However, as the nipping cycle continues, the tails eventually become desensitized. Soon the constant nipping begins to go unnoticed. As a result, a young man can reach into the water and grasp an unsuspecting Salmon by its desensitized tail and fling it out of the water. Despite great determination and abilities, some Salmon never reach their destination - instead they find themselves plucked and gasping on the shore.
LIKE THE SALMON, many of us are determined to get ahead, to make it upstream. Everyday we encounter people and circumstances that nip at us in an attempt to slow us down, pull us back. We also become desensitized; not at the nipping, but as to the purpose of our journey. The relentless nipping of naysayers begins to confuse and obscure the once great desire that fueled our passion. As a result, our efforts begin to wane. Despite great determination and abilities, we can find ourselves plucked from the flow of life and gasping on the shore.
(From the Coaches Corner at Rich Dad Coaching)
The B Side To The Truth is that there are principles that make life easier, more successful, and a lot happier. In the story above the struggle was for the salmon to make it up stream, and the struggle for the young men is knowing how to pluck one of them out of the stream on to the river bank. Often times we have a thought or idea, yet we don't perfect the action. In order to get to where we want in life temporally and eternally we must learn the better action and continue with determination. To achieve that we must invest in our self and gain knowledge through study, pondering, and experience.
So... are you ready to struggle and figure things out? Today is the day to start!
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Monday, October 25, 2010
Fight Fear with Knowledge
Recently as I started coaching with Rich Dad by Robert Kyosaki he has been speaking about financial education and the lack there of in academic education. I have always wondered myself why certain things are taught and others are not. Yet as I continued my journey to get "Rich" in life, which to me is more than just money. It is a sense of just being and existing. Money is merely something we allow to complicate our journey or not. Yet as I studied I realized it does not matter whether they teach it in school or not. The fact of the matter is they do not teach it. And if it is not readily available it is up to me to go and get the education I need.
The point of this post is not to explain to go get financial education. It is to expose the need for continual education. There is one thing that can truly eliminate fear... and that is knowledge. It gives one the courage to look fear in the eyes and move forward with enjoyment in life. Seeking knowledge requires one to accept and allow transformation in ones belief system and habits.
The B Side To The Truth is fear is fueled by the unknown. To eliminate fear one must gain the right education to enjoy life more and fear life less.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
The point of this post is not to explain to go get financial education. It is to expose the need for continual education. There is one thing that can truly eliminate fear... and that is knowledge. It gives one the courage to look fear in the eyes and move forward with enjoyment in life. Seeking knowledge requires one to accept and allow transformation in ones belief system and habits.
The B Side To The Truth is fear is fueled by the unknown. To eliminate fear one must gain the right education to enjoy life more and fear life less.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Friday, October 22, 2010
Remembering Gratitude
“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” -Anonymous-
The ability to share gratitude will completely change the attitude of an individual. In today's economy and financial crisis many of people are swamped with a scarcity mindset.
Right now the reported percentage of jobless with in the United States is at 9.6%. Those numbers are probably skewed as many have not taken the unemployment survey. Many economist like Gerald Celente say the unemployment rate could be as high as 15% to 18%.
Think about this... one out of every ten people around you do not have a job. In fact you, yourself may be unemployed or on a commission based job. This could create and strengthen the scarcity paradigm for bad in anyone's situation. Yet when you are able to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and can change your paradigm in a matter of minutes.
The B Side To The Truth is right now and through 2011, it will be one of the largest opportunities to create and retain wealth within our broken economy. Yet to be able to think clearly and make the right decisions one must get to and remain in B Side paradigm. One must think producing, not a consuming/protective mindset where you think constantly about what you don't have.
Here is an exercise to help... take 10 minutes each morning and write down all of the PEOPLE you are grateful for and specifically why. Then send them a gratitude note expressing how they have influenced your life.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Self-Educate and Paradigm Shifts
“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” - Jim Rohn
In a society with so many traditions and rules, the ability to be bold and gain freedom by opening one's mind has become almost extinct. As we head in to this new decade with history marking changes ahead of us, many are beginning to open their minds.
From the womb we are born transgressors... or in other words we are programmed socially on how we perceive things to really be. Each individual has a divine opportunity to listen to his or her conscience and make decisions that will greatly effect their five realms of life: spiritually, mentally, physically, socially, and financially. In turn by being able to identify certain principles and to create and retain not only wealth... yet a state mind that will cause one to only do good to another.
Life is a roller coaster of ups and downs and bumps and bruises. Many are afraid of risk and more are afraid of failure. Failure is our friend... the ability to fail is the ability to succeed. The ability to succeed is the ability to live. One must accurately define success in a way that generates energy to give more than one consumes. The problem with America and humanity is simple. We have become a wave of technology and flat world where the principles that create prosperity are being pushed to the side. Or in other words we have bread a society the contains more consumers than it does producers. And those that are getting ultra rich by taking advantage of controlling the market through commodities, benchmark lending, and many other ruling decisions... these are the individuals that have become engulfed in power and greed.
The B Side To The Truth is we all have to opportunity to give and receive. The more one gives back to the common good of man, the more one will become not temporally rich... yet eternally rich. No matter how much money or things or wealth one gains in this mortal existence... it too will pass. So smile more, laugh louder, self-educate, and live by not a new way of thinking... but a way that you think for yourself.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Robert Kiyosaki Interview on Alex Jones' Show
How can the average American protect their self in the next years to come. Taking the time to educate yourself on which direction to go is the most important investment you can do in your B Side Value.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Who Is Autosuggesting Your Mind
"Your ability to use the principle of autosuggestion will depend, very largely, upon your capacity to concentrate upon a given desire until that desire becomes a burning obsession." - Napoleon HIll
Daily things are being plugged into your mind. Either by default or by your ability to program your subconscious mind. The question is what and who is programming you?
Yesterday on The B Side To The Truth Podcast we discussed things all around the board. One thing in particular we touched on was music and it's ability to program the subconscious mind.
As I was driving down the road with my friend in the passenger seat, he continually kept turning on my radio and I kept turning it off. This happened about five or six times. I have discovered the power of silence and driving with no sound in the car... with or without passengers. It allows one to think with their conscience and it allows real time conversation with people about life. The next week I was riding in his car and as always the music is blasting loud and all that we could hear were the words
"I like that boom boom pow
Them chicken jackin' my style
They try to copy my swagger
I'm on that next shit now
I'm so three thousand and eight
You so two thousand and late
I got that boom boom boom
That future boom boom boom
Let me get it now."
Those are the words from the Black Eyed Peas song Boom Boom Pow. As I said, "Listen Josh. Hear those words? What is the whole message of the song? (Don't get me wrong, the song is a pretty sick beat.) But listen to the whole meaning of the song. It talks about "I have the hot shit and you don't" in a nutshell."
The B Side To The Truth is everything we listen to programs us. News, Radio, Music, Youtube.com, Hulu, Pandora, Media, Religion, Friends, Family, whatever it is we are constantly being programmed. And above and beyond we are constantly being programmed with status. Status is the pride that enters our hearts and causes us to get a burning desire to get gain simply to climb the social status.
So what and who is programming you?
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Episode 15 - Eyes Wide Shut
The B Side To The Truth - Episode 15 - Eyes Wide Shut. Today Colton Lindsay, Chad Holmes, and Casey Persinger talk about history repeating itself and the blind society today. They are all over the board as they talk about the economic situation and the social structure of the American People. Who is the false market benefiting and how does one make it through the rough road ahead that awaits the future of the United States and society as we know it.
Colton - discover your true’ness’
Colton - discover your true’ness’
Monday, October 18, 2010
Letter from Airplane Pilot, Michael Roberts, On Airport Security
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My name is Michael Roberts, and I am a pilot for ExpressJet Airlines, Inc., based in Houston (that is, I still am for the time being). This morning as I attempted to pass through the security line for my commute to work I was denied access to the secured area of the terminal building at Memphis International Airport. I have passed through the same line roughly once per week for the past four and a half years without incident. Today, however, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents at this checkpoint were using one of the new Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) systems that are currently being deployed at airports across the nation. These are the controversial devices featured by the media in recent months, albeit sparingly, which enable screeners to see beneath people’s clothing to an extremely graphic and intrusive level of detail (virtual strip searching). Travelers refusing this indignity may instead be physically frisked by a government security agent until the agent is satisfied to release them on their way in what is being touted as an “alternative option” to AIT. The following is a somewhat hastily drafted account of my experience this morning.
As I loaded my bags onto the X-ray scanner belt, an agent told me to remove my shoes and send them through as well, which I’ve not normally been required to do when passing through the standard metal detectors in uniform. When I questioned her, she said it was necessary to remove my shoes for the AIT scanner. I explained that I did not wish to participate in the AIT program, so she told me I could keep my shoes and directed me through the metal detector that had been roped off. She then called somewhat urgently to the agents on the other side: “We got an opt-out!” and also reported the “opt-out” into her handheld radio. On the other side I was stopped by another agent and informed that because I had “opted out” of AIT screening, I would have to go through secondary screening. I asked for clarification to be sure he was talking about frisking me, which he confirmed, and I declined. At this point he and another agent explained the TSA’s latest decree, saying I would not be permitted to pass without showing them my naked body, and how my refusal to do so had now given them cause to put their hands on me as I evidently posed a threat to air transportation security (this, of course, is my nutshell synopsis of the exchange). I asked whether they did in fact suspect I was concealing something after I had passed through the metal detector, or whether they believed that I had made any threats or given other indications of malicious designs to warrant treating me, a law-abiding fellow citizen, so rudely. None of that was relevant, I was told. They were just doing their job.
Eventually the airport police were summoned. Several officers showed up and we essentially repeated the conversation above. When it became clear that we had reached an impasse, one of the more sensible officers and I agreed that any further conversation would be pointless at this time. I then asked whether I was free to go. I was not. Another officer wanted to see my driver’s license. When I asked why, he said they needed information for their report on this “incident” – my name, address, phone number, etc. I recited my information for him, until he asked for my supervisor’s name and number at the airline. Why did he need that, I asked. For the report, he answered. I had already given him the primary phone number at my company’s headquarters. When I asked him what the Chief Pilot in Houston had to do with any of this, he either refused or was simply unable to provide a meaningful explanation. I chose not to divulge my supervisor’s name as I preferred to be the first to inform him of the situation myself. In any event, after a brief huddle with several other officers, my interrogator told me I was free to go.
As I approached the airport exit, however, I was stopped again by a man whom I believe to be the airport police chief, though I can’t say for sure. He said I still needed to speak with an investigator who was on his way over. I asked what sort of investigator. A TSA investigator, he said. As I was by this time looking eagerly forward to leaving the airport, I had little patience for the additional vexation. I’d been denied access to my workplace and had no other business keeping me there.
“Am I under arrest?” I asked.
“No, he just needs to ask you some more questions.”
“But I was told I’m free to go. So… am I being detained now, or what?”
“We just need to hold you here so he can…”
“Hold me in what capacity?” I insisted.
“Detain you while we…”
Okay, so now they were detaining me as I was leaving the airport facility.
We stood there awkwardly, waiting for the investigator while he kept an eye on me. Being chatty by nature, I asked his opinion of what new procedures might be implemented if someday someone were to smuggle an explosive device in his or her rectum or a similar orifice. Ever since would-be terrorist Richard Reid set his shoes on fire, travelers have been required to remove their footwear in the security line. And the TSA has repeatedly attempted to justify these latest measures by citing Northwest flight 253, on which Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab scorched his genitalia. Where, then, would the evolution of these policies lead next?
“Do you want them to board your plane?” he asked.
“No, but I understand there are other, better ways to keep them off. Besides, at this point I’m more concerned with the greater threat to our rights and liberties as a free society.”
“Yeah, I know,” he said. And then, to my amazement, he continued, “But somebody’s already taken those away.”
“Maybe they have,” I conceded, watching the throng of passengers waiting their turn to get virtually naked for the federal security guards.
As a side note, I cannot refrain here from expressing my dismay and heartbreak over a civil servant’s personal resignation to the loss of civil liberty among the people by whom he is employed to protect and serve. If he no longer affirms the rights and freedom of his fellow citizens, one can only wonder exactly what he has in view as the purpose of his profession.
The TSA investigator arrived and asked for my account of the situation. I explained that the agents weren’t allowing me to pass through the checkpoint. He told me he had been advised that I was refusing security screening, to which I replied that I had willingly walked through the metal detector with no alarms, the same way I always do when commuting to work. He then briefed me on the recent screening policy changes and, apparently confused, asked whether they would be a problem for me. I stated that I did indeed have a problem with the infringement of my civil rights and liberty.
His reply: “That’s irrelevant.”
It wasn’t irrelevant to me. We continued briefly in the conversation until I recognized that we were essentially repeating the same discussion I’d already had with the other officers and agents standing by. With that realization, I told him I did not wish to keep going around and around with them and asked whether he had anything else to say to me. Yes, he said he did, marching indignantly over to a table nearby with an air as though he were about to do something drastic.
“I need to get your information for my report,” he demanded.
“The officer over there just took my information for his report. I’m sure you could just get it from him.”
“No, I have to document everything separately and send it to TSOC. That’s the Transportation Security Operations Center where we report…”
“I’m familiar with TSOC,” I assured him. “In fact, I’ve actually taught the TSA mandated security portion of our training program at the airline.”
“Well, if you’re an instructor, then you should know better,” he barked.
“Really? What do you mean I ‘should know better’? Are you scolding me? Have I done something wrong?”
“I’m not saying you’ve done something wrong. But you have to go through security screening if you want to enter the facility.”
“Understood. I’ve been going through security screening right here in this line for five years and never blown up an airplane, broken any laws, made any threats, or had a government agent call my boss in Houston. And you guys have never tried to touch me or see me naked that whole time. But, if that’s what it’s come to now, I don’t want to enter the facility that badly.”
Finishing up, he asked me to confirm that I had been offered secondary screening as an alternative “option” to ATS, and that I had refused it. I confirmed. Then he asked whether I’d “had words” with any of the agents. I asked what he meant by that and he said he wanted to know whether there had been “any exchange of words.” I told him that yes, we spoke. He then turned to the crowd of officers and asked whether I had been abusive toward any of them when they wanted to create images of my naked body and touch me in an unwelcome manner. I didn’t hear what they said in reply, but he returned and finally told me I was free to leave the airport.
As it turned out, they did reach the chief pilot’s office in Houston before I was able to. Shortly after I got home, my boss called and said they had been contacted by the TSA. I suppose my employment status at this point can best be described as on hold.
It’s probably fairly obvious here that I am outraged. This took place today (now yesterday, when I wrote all this down), 15 October 2010. Anyone who reads this is welcome to contact me for confirmation of the details or any additional information I can provide. The dialog above is quoted according to my best recollection, without embellishment or significant alteration except for the sake of clarity. I would greatly appreciate any recommendations for legal counsel – preferably a firm with a libertarian bent and experience resisting this kind of tyrannical madness. This is not a left or right, red or blue state issue. The very bedrock of our way of life in this country is under attack from within. Please don’t let it be taken from us without a fight.
Malo Periculosam Libertatem Quam Quietum Servitium
Michael S. Roberts
3794 Douglass Ave.
Memphis, TN 38111
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Conspiracy Theory on Fox News!
Jesse Ventura may have a pony tail... but does he have some truth to what is going on. Who knows exactly? As my career has progressed as a real estate agent in Utah, I have quickly learned that things are not always as they seem behind the scene. In every community there are the closed door undocumented transactions going on that give certain people power and gain. Possibly modern day networking is not what it seems. If history repeats itself, which it usually does... we are in for an exciting next 5 years.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Baboon Bastards and Compassion
“What good is social class and status? Truthfulness is measured within. Pride in one's status is like poison - holding it in your hand and eating it, you shall die.” - Sri Guru Granth Sahib
In the documentary produced by National Geographic called Stress: Portrait of a Killer, it tells the story of humans compared to baboons.
A baboon is considered a dirty bastard that disgustingly enough is no different than us humans. In a troop of baboons there are different social status levels. There are alpha males and subordinates. There are those with higher social value and those with little social value. The alpha male is the one that gets baboon poon when ever he wants, beats on the lesser social valued baboons and creates a level of who can do what to whom and how they interact with one another is trickled down the line of where you rank.
A similar study was done for 40 years amongst 28,000 people in England. Of those they study were government civil workers, much like those that work at Hill Air Force Base, and the same things were found as the social class in baboons. The lower on the totem pole one is, the more stress one had, the less healthier an individual was, even the more fat one had on his or her mid section and butt.
It is horrific to me to look from a birds eye view that we humans have become so inhumane as a specie. We now are set in a desire with our ego and pride to climb the ranks of social status. To get more from others. Yet we have manipulated even ourselves to believe it to be OK as whole society. Even worse... we keep repeating the same pattern.
The B Side To The Truth is we are no different than baboons. We have high level of stress and low quality of life in society that does not have to be. We are unhealthy and have low immune systems and even more so in western societies where we constantly focus on work and gain. This must and can be eliminated from an individuals life. We may not be able to change the human troop as we can not and should not control another human being, yet we can change ourselves.
What really makes this comparison mind bottling, is a certain incident that was studied with a troop of baboons. One day this troop was foraging food at an old tourist spot in Kenya. As they chowed down the alpha males began to die off first. And most of those that participated in the social status began to die off. The food was tainted with tuberculosis. As further study continued those that survived were those that did not engage in class or social status. And in turn the males had twice as many females, they respected the females, and when new baboons entered the troop they began to live the new social structure and low to no levels of stress were found in all of the baboons. It increased longevity of life, standard of living, and happiness level.
So you ask yourself what you're really stressing about... does it really matter?
And taking it a step farther... in another study with people that spent there time helping others just for the sake of helping... they had increased telomerase which is an enzyme that creates DNA repair. So compassion, service, and love are key elements to reducing stress, increasing longevity, and repairing your body to increased health.
As we run a world based on benchmark lending, juggling mortgage rates, chronic disease, and worrying if the new web conferencing software works for our next big meeting... we simply are destroying ourselves.
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Friday, October 15, 2010
Mosque at Ground Zero...??
The United States is a country based... or should I say was a country based on freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of political views, freedom of religion, and freedom to prosper.
As of late there has been huge discussion and debate with major networks from Fox to CNN to even Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar walking off the set of their own Talk Show, "The View", from Bill O'Reilly.
The question that has been raised amongst our society is: "Should there be a mosque allowed to be build next to ground zero?" The debate is a "no, there shouldn't, yes there should." That makes no sense to create such a debate.
The B Side To The Truth is the debate with the mosque at ground zero is another blinder that is keeping American population and World population from focusing on the real issues at hand.
We as American people are losing our wealth. With in a 5 years or sooner most Americans will lose all of their savings and retirement. Real Estate is heading to another disastrous drop as it could possibly fall another 10-20%. As the U$D falls we are seeing the beginning of hyper inflation in the trading industry and a false stock market that is blowing the silver and gold market through the roof.
Is there an exact way to protect your wealth? Not sure... I have a strong opinion that purchasing silver will be the best way to preserve one's wealth through the years to come.
So with the debate on a mosque at ground zero... I pose the question... "Does it really matter in the larger scheme of things?" At this point we should be more concerned not with the problem, yet more time focusing on a solution!
Colton - discover your true'ness'
As of late there has been huge discussion and debate with major networks from Fox to CNN to even Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar walking off the set of their own Talk Show, "The View", from Bill O'Reilly.
The question that has been raised amongst our society is: "Should there be a mosque allowed to be build next to ground zero?" The debate is a "no, there shouldn't, yes there should." That makes no sense to create such a debate.
The B Side To The Truth is the debate with the mosque at ground zero is another blinder that is keeping American population and World population from focusing on the real issues at hand.
We as American people are losing our wealth. With in a 5 years or sooner most Americans will lose all of their savings and retirement. Real Estate is heading to another disastrous drop as it could possibly fall another 10-20%. As the U$D falls we are seeing the beginning of hyper inflation in the trading industry and a false stock market that is blowing the silver and gold market through the roof.
Is there an exact way to protect your wealth? Not sure... I have a strong opinion that purchasing silver will be the best way to preserve one's wealth through the years to come.
So with the debate on a mosque at ground zero... I pose the question... "Does it really matter in the larger scheme of things?" At this point we should be more concerned not with the problem, yet more time focusing on a solution!
Colton - discover your true'ness'
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Two Fat Kids in a Wal-Mart Parking Lot
“Overweight and obesity is the second leading cause of death, killing 300,000 people a year, ... There is not a miracle pill that will lead to weight loss.” - Richard Carmona
As I went to a super busy Wal-Mart in American Fork last night, I was leaving the bathroom as an 11 or 12 year old was washing his hands. He had to be at least 250 pounds. I thought to myself... "how is it that one gets this way at such a young age". As Jordyn and I left the the store we were sitting in the car looking for something to do to pass the time for 15 minutes until we were going over to a friends house to visit. As we sat there we noticed the obese 10 year old walking out of the store towards a mini van that was parked diagonally across from us. There standing next to the van was a 15 year old girl with her own box of donuts and just devouring them. She too was an obese teen. As the boy approached the van his mom handed him his own box of donuts also and he began to devour them. The question is... is it the parents fault or the kids fault?... wrong... it is society's fault.
I thought to myself... poor kids... they have been incorrectly taught such an important principle. In our human life value, our physical realm is extremely important to have discipline in because it leads to an improved human life value as a whole. Yet this made me also realize how many millions of Americans or billions of people have been incorrectly, or worse not even instructed with any true principles through out their life.
The foundation of my principles, luckily enough, I learned in my youth. Yet the ground breaking, life changing principles were only learned after I earnestly sought further knowledge on subjects that I was not getting the results I wanted. I learned the power of seeking education and not through a formal public way of school.
Many will complain and disagree with this post, people will bring up things like "Some people have bad thyroids", "Some people have diabetes." Well those comments create interesting topics in them self. What causes these chronic diseases? By taking the time to analyze one's life and their current situation... through study and questioning... answers can be found. Think about it... with processed foods, pasteurized milk and juices, GMO seeds, wrongfully used grains and rice for cattle and human consumption and many other things we do to "end hunger" have left us, especially us Americans... malnutrition-ed. And not only malnutrition-ed, also super wrongfully nutrition-ed. This cause long term effects on a humans body.
The B Side To The Truth is our food system is jacked and the fundamental principles are not being utilized or even recognized in our society for the most part. To increase your human life value you must go out of the "normal social realm" and get answers to your questions. Unhealthy, processed foods do not have to destroy your physical realm.
“I had to go through this because men never ask for help. And they never take a good, hard look at themselves to figure out what's broken, what's not effective, what's not working.” - Neil Strauss
Colton - discover your true'ness'
As I went to a super busy Wal-Mart in American Fork last night, I was leaving the bathroom as an 11 or 12 year old was washing his hands. He had to be at least 250 pounds. I thought to myself... "how is it that one gets this way at such a young age". As Jordyn and I left the the store we were sitting in the car looking for something to do to pass the time for 15 minutes until we were going over to a friends house to visit. As we sat there we noticed the obese 10 year old walking out of the store towards a mini van that was parked diagonally across from us. There standing next to the van was a 15 year old girl with her own box of donuts and just devouring them. She too was an obese teen. As the boy approached the van his mom handed him his own box of donuts also and he began to devour them. The question is... is it the parents fault or the kids fault?... wrong... it is society's fault.
I thought to myself... poor kids... they have been incorrectly taught such an important principle. In our human life value, our physical realm is extremely important to have discipline in because it leads to an improved human life value as a whole. Yet this made me also realize how many millions of Americans or billions of people have been incorrectly, or worse not even instructed with any true principles through out their life.
The foundation of my principles, luckily enough, I learned in my youth. Yet the ground breaking, life changing principles were only learned after I earnestly sought further knowledge on subjects that I was not getting the results I wanted. I learned the power of seeking education and not through a formal public way of school.
Many will complain and disagree with this post, people will bring up things like "Some people have bad thyroids", "Some people have diabetes." Well those comments create interesting topics in them self. What causes these chronic diseases? By taking the time to analyze one's life and their current situation... through study and questioning... answers can be found. Think about it... with processed foods, pasteurized milk and juices, GMO seeds, wrongfully used grains and rice for cattle and human consumption and many other things we do to "end hunger" have left us, especially us Americans... malnutrition-ed. And not only malnutrition-ed, also super wrongfully nutrition-ed. This cause long term effects on a humans body.
The B Side To The Truth is our food system is jacked and the fundamental principles are not being utilized or even recognized in our society for the most part. To increase your human life value you must go out of the "normal social realm" and get answers to your questions. Unhealthy, processed foods do not have to destroy your physical realm.
“I had to go through this because men never ask for help. And they never take a good, hard look at themselves to figure out what's broken, what's not effective, what's not working.” - Neil Strauss
Colton - discover your true'ness'
The Ability To Watch
How is it possible to watch and not suffer? I thought a curious thought yesterday as I was speaking with my friend Ivun about our current situations in life. He is rebuilding a book of business in Insurance and I am getting married and preparing to travel a mini gap year with my beautiful fiance. As we were discussing the paradigm shifts of life and the scarcity mindset of fear, the curious thought that came to me was "I would rather die living than live dieing."
As the recession continues in this country and world wide, many doomer and gloomer's haven given up on life and many are blinded in vanity. Because of that they are even more blinded.
Whether someone is a spiritualist or an atheist, the patterns of history exist. It has come to my attention I constantly feast in the books and seek temporal knowledge as much as eternal knowledge, that 2011 is going to be one the most pivotal years in the history of the World. Whether a Christ is returning soon or not, this year will be recorded as one of the most World Changing times in all of history. This year one can build extreme wealth and become millionaires and billionaires in the matter of only a few years. With silver on the rise of being the new gold... if people played their cards rights and read the patterns of history, silver is going to sky rocket through the roof.
My conscience moral dilemma is do I follow my desire to travel the World with my best friend, or do I participate in the flow of economy in one of the most crucial years in my life. I believe with my limited knowledge and limited capitol, I can invest in an ultimate 100% control investment and through the shift I will become a millionaire.
Imagine having 1,000,000 with no debt, how much financial freedom one could create. It would greatly create temporal security... yet would it be one hundred percent freedom. Yet seeking truth through all walks of life will build character to my reality in my mind that creates a sense of bliss that brings joy to my heart. Yet after awhile I'm sure much will all be the same. We become a greedy people and become blinded of what is crumbling beneath us.
The dilemma persists, yet the yearning for the unfolding of quick to come events creates an adventure today. As I am continually encouraged internally to search, to investigate, to do my due diligence... I have this feeling that says "that's it Colton! You will find what you are looking for."
As I sit and read my history and look back at the experiences that have given me character and a sense of hope as I realize more and more every day... I must believe in God and hope that what he God is claimed to be is true... because every day I feel more and more vulnerable.
I have come to the conclusion that I am truly just a spec in this broad view of everything. Yet it is what I am given... make the best out of it.
There is one card that is dealt... and that is you were born at this time. Make the best of it. Make the best of it while seeking truth and eternal life. Enjoy your phase in the search and move on when it is time to move on.
The B Side To The Truth is we must continue to watch patterns and history, as this market of life unravels in front of us. Yet as we watch... speak from the heart of gratitude for every experience you have given you that has brought you closer to your quest.
This 2011 is a once and a lifetime opportunity financially and eternally...
HaHa I just realized when I say eternally... some people may think I am a whack job. I am referring to eternally as basically a step closer to understanding.
As the recession continues in this country and world wide, many doomer and gloomer's haven given up on life and many are blinded in vanity. Because of that they are even more blinded.
Whether someone is a spiritualist or an atheist, the patterns of history exist. It has come to my attention I constantly feast in the books and seek temporal knowledge as much as eternal knowledge, that 2011 is going to be one the most pivotal years in the history of the World. Whether a Christ is returning soon or not, this year will be recorded as one of the most World Changing times in all of history. This year one can build extreme wealth and become millionaires and billionaires in the matter of only a few years. With silver on the rise of being the new gold... if people played their cards rights and read the patterns of history, silver is going to sky rocket through the roof.
My conscience moral dilemma is do I follow my desire to travel the World with my best friend, or do I participate in the flow of economy in one of the most crucial years in my life. I believe with my limited knowledge and limited capitol, I can invest in an ultimate 100% control investment and through the shift I will become a millionaire.
Imagine having 1,000,000 with no debt, how much financial freedom one could create. It would greatly create temporal security... yet would it be one hundred percent freedom. Yet seeking truth through all walks of life will build character to my reality in my mind that creates a sense of bliss that brings joy to my heart. Yet after awhile I'm sure much will all be the same. We become a greedy people and become blinded of what is crumbling beneath us.
The dilemma persists, yet the yearning for the unfolding of quick to come events creates an adventure today. As I am continually encouraged internally to search, to investigate, to do my due diligence... I have this feeling that says "that's it Colton! You will find what you are looking for."
As I sit and read my history and look back at the experiences that have given me character and a sense of hope as I realize more and more every day... I must believe in God and hope that what he God is claimed to be is true... because every day I feel more and more vulnerable.
I have come to the conclusion that I am truly just a spec in this broad view of everything. Yet it is what I am given... make the best out of it.
There is one card that is dealt... and that is you were born at this time. Make the best of it. Make the best of it while seeking truth and eternal life. Enjoy your phase in the search and move on when it is time to move on.
The B Side To The Truth is we must continue to watch patterns and history, as this market of life unravels in front of us. Yet as we watch... speak from the heart of gratitude for every experience you have given you that has brought you closer to your quest.
This 2011 is a once and a lifetime opportunity financially and eternally...
HaHa I just realized when I say eternally... some people may think I am a whack job. I am referring to eternally as basically a step closer to understanding.
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