Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Ability To Watch

How is it possible to watch and not suffer? I thought a curious thought yesterday as I was speaking with my friend Ivun about our current situations in life. He is rebuilding a book of business in Insurance and I am getting married and preparing to travel a mini gap year with my beautiful fiance. As we were discussing the paradigm shifts of life and the scarcity mindset of fear, the curious thought that came to me was "I would rather die living than live dieing."

As the recession continues in this country and world wide, many doomer and gloomer's haven given up on life and many are blinded in vanity. Because of that they are even more blinded.

Whether someone is a spiritualist or an atheist, the patterns of history exist. It has come to my attention I constantly feast in the books and seek temporal knowledge as much as eternal knowledge, that 2011 is going to be one the most pivotal years in the history of the World. Whether a Christ is returning soon or not, this year will be recorded as one of the most World Changing times in all of history. This year one can build extreme wealth and become millionaires and billionaires in the matter of only a few years. With silver on the rise of being the new gold... if people played their cards rights and read the patterns of history, silver is going to sky rocket through the roof.

My conscience moral dilemma is do I follow my desire to travel the World with my best friend, or do I participate in the flow of economy in one of the most crucial years in my life. I believe with my limited knowledge and limited capitol, I can invest in an ultimate 100% control investment and through the shift I will become a millionaire.

Imagine having 1,000,000 with no debt, how much financial freedom one could create. It would greatly create temporal security... yet would it be one hundred percent freedom. Yet seeking truth through all walks of life will build character to my reality in my mind that creates a sense of bliss that brings joy to my heart. Yet after awhile I'm sure much will all be the same. We become a greedy people and become blinded of what is crumbling beneath us.

The dilemma persists, yet the yearning for the unfolding of quick to come events creates an adventure today. As I am continually encouraged internally to search, to investigate, to do my due diligence... I have this feeling that says "that's it Colton! You will find what you are looking for."

As I sit and read my history and look back at the experiences that have given me character and a sense of hope as I realize more and more every day... I must believe in God and hope that what he God is claimed to be is true... because every day I feel more and more vulnerable.

I have come to the conclusion that I am truly just a spec in this broad view of everything. Yet it is what I am given... make the best out of it.

There is one card that is dealt... and that is you were born at this time. Make the best of it. Make the best of it while seeking truth and eternal life. Enjoy your phase in the search and move on when it is time to move on.

The B Side To The Truth is we must continue to watch patterns and history, as this market of life unravels in front of us. Yet as we watch... speak from the heart of gratitude for every experience you have given you that has brought you closer to your quest.

This 2011 is a once and a lifetime opportunity financially and eternally...

HaHa I just realized when I say eternally... some people may think I am a whack job. I am referring to eternally as basically a step closer to understanding.

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