Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Clear Mental Image

“I experience a period of frightening clarity in those moments when nature is so beautiful. I am no longer sure of myself, and the paintings appear as in a dream” - Vincent van Gogh

People are confused today with the current economic situation.  As I stood in line today at America First Credit Union, I was eves dropping like every nosey person does at the bank... and the person next to me was complaining because they got a late fee for missing a payment.  As I was doing my transaction I over heard the clerk go over their mortgage, auto loan 1, auto loan 2, auto loan number 3, credit card 1, credit card 2, credit card 3, and then the home equity line of credit.

I am convinced it is not the responsibility of the government or another person for our own fiscal mistakes (Although they do not help either). Yet it is a lack of clarity and a knowledge of a direction in which to take one's life.  The above example is a true example.  And more than over 60% of Americans are in this position.  The question is how does one take control of their own situation?

The B Side To The Truth is clarity begins in the spiritual and mental realms.  A solid relationship with yourself if crucial.  When you connect with your inner-self, you are really connecting with a higher being or also known as God.  As this allows stress to escape, it also allows you to analyze each realm of your life and commit to transformation.

Here is an exercise to use. Choose one of the 5 realms (Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Financial, and Social) and rate yourself on scale of 1 to 10.  Then ask yourself, what would it take to make this realm a 10?  Then make a commitment to ad what you are missing to your realm.  Start simple and one thing at a time.

Colton - discover your true'ness'

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