Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bull Market Top Investments

The Law of Supply and Demand: The more prospects you have for a particular product, the more it becomes worth.

The thing most people miss in their investment portfolio is knowledge.  Consider investing 10% of your income in to knowledge and you will become the richest man in Babylon, or at least feel secure with your investments in insecure times. 

The top bull market investments are Gold, Silver, and Uranium

The top self-relient peace of mind investments are Food, Water, and Gold or Silver coins.

The law of supply and demand is the center of what controls this life and continual market their of.  As inflation and what top economist believe to be hyperinflation means "real value money" like Gold, Silver, and Uranium are top investments.  As people begin to realize the fail of the dollar and those who study the markets see that value of paper money no longer exists.  This means more people will turn to the Gold and Silver markets to retain wealth.  There fore to be able to ride the bull market through inflation one must get on at the bus station.  Today is the time to get on the bus.  When most people get on the ride it will be over.   Imagine getting to Disney Land just in time for it to shut down, yet you already paid to enter the theme park.  You have already entered and there is not much time, the question is do you realize it? 

Uranium as a top investment?? Why?  Every market is driven by the law of supply and demand.  As the oil market raises with the inflation of the $US, there will be $5 and $6 per gallon gas prices.  There for the demand for other means of energy will increase.  The next on demand product for energy is nuclear or uranium.  Most all uranium companies will increase their use and their share values are relatively cheap now under $2.00 a share.

Now I am no expert in the stock market, I am an expert in social dynamics and people patterns.  As patterns control every part of life, the market is also a pattern.  And as history passes us by, history constantly repeats it's self. 

Now if one believes in God or not, one must decide to believe in the facts, the World Economic Market is at a pivotal point in history.  The difficulty will be amongst the diversified generations.  Today's college students and upcoming generation of innovators have only experienced life with technology, i.e. internet, cell phones, and soon to be Iphones and droids.  The fact of the matter is they are already conditioned in these walks of life, what this says is "they will be pushing the envelope in innovation."  The way business is ran is and will forever change.  Those however, who do not take the conscious effort to learn, they will be left behind tragically.  The tragedy is the dividing line of the have's and the have not's is increasing as the majority of people will miss the boat as they are stuck in the middle class realm.  The one investment  to help not just hopefully thrive, yet to survive are those who gain the knowledge in where to invest, those who take control of their own financial situation, and those who can take action. 

The B Side To The Truth is live the law of supply and demand on a large scale to your advantage.  Do not be afraid to go against the crowd.  Usually by the time a crowd gather's around, the excitement has already came and gone.  So hop on and ride the bull market up. 

Colton - discover your true'ness'

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