Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Law of Specific Focus

We are trained to diversify ourselves. Think b side of that... think get specific and put all your eggs into one basket. the more you focus on something with energy and positive emotion the more skill and confidence you gain. Laser focus!

We are trained in school when we excel in math, to put more focus on reading because our math is up to par or above average. Yet if we would let ourselves excel in what we are naturally talented in; our life will be easier, happier, and more service oriented. We will do it because we love to do it. We will make a difference in the lives of others.

The b side to the truth today is impossible for a person in any industry to be great at a profession if he or she does not continually counterbalance his human life value and does not get specific and skilled in a certain realm of his business. We must become specialists! The key is become a rock star at what you do and what you are passionate about!

Here is the question you have to ask yourself... what drives me and frees me? What skill, characteristic, and/or ability do I have that comes natural to me? Don't know what it is... ask 5 people today what skills or talents you have that they wish they had... and listen... and write it down. People will tell you, they wish they had your skills.

The problem is because our true'ness' talent comes so easy and natural to us, we think that it is common and that everyone has that same talent... the b side is... you are one of few my friend!

Colton - discover your true'ness'

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