Monday, November 16, 2009


Be authentic with yourself first and it will enable you to be authentic with others. Often times when we are not true to our core values it causes conflict with in and it causes us to cheat others because we cheat ourselves.

In the book of John it continually rings in my mind... "You shall know of the truth, and the truth shall set you free." How free are we as we forget to be authentic and honest with ourselves and with people around us?

When we listen to our hearts we hear the words of God... and the words of God teach us how to be authentic.

The b side to the truth is that usually we are not authentic with our core values, mostly because we only recognize them on a subconscious level and have not developed a conscious set of core values that are authentic and congruent with our true'ness'. So ask yourself this question... what are my top 10 deepest rooted core values? Make a list and place where you will always see it so that it rings consciously and subconsciously.

My core values are simple:

1. Respect - for myself and others.

2. Knowledge - to continually increase.

3. Authentic Honesty - with myself and with others.

4. Standards - to commit and always live my mine.

5. Purity - to protect my virtue and that of others... it is power

6. Faith - to always believe and create.

7. Family - to give to those that give me so much.

8. Passion - to live the gift that God has given me.

9. Integrity - to continually counterbalance my life.

10. Gratitude - to recognize that all prosperity is connected directly to God.

Colton - discover your true'ness'.

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