Monday, March 8, 2010

Believe and You Will Receive

"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." - Matthew 21:22

The ability to increase your magnetism within you comes from cultivating it just like anything else. it takes time and energy... Yet the ROI (return on investment) is endless.

Magnetism is directly connected to one's law of attraction level and the things one attracts into his or her life. The more one strengthens his or her magnetism level towards a positive energy, the more their confidence level increases and their knowledge increases. It will actually increase to such a level that it becomes visible in a sense or felt from those around you. For example... have you ever met someone that just seemed to glow with success and confidence? You can't explain it, yet there is something that just gleams from the person's countenance? It is because they have created either consciously or subconsciously through good habits a system to increase their magnetism.

A step by step process in which one can apply today to cultivate their magnetism.

1. Create space in your schedule to cultivate your magnetism. Early in the morning is best. Your brain is running on Alpha brain waves as opposed to Beta brain waves. Thus connecting to your subconscious mind on a deeper level.

2. Specific Faith: Faith is a principle as true as the law of gravity. It is a law. So be specific in an outline believing you will receive. Without believing, it will be impossible. An affirmation is not enough... it must be connected to you emotionally and with energy. Something that says "what seems to be impossible, is possible."

3.. Create a way to re-visit your specific faith continually. Repetition with emotion creates a focus of energy... as your energy increases your magnetism increases.

4. Share new knowledge with at least 3 positive people the day it is learned. The more you vocalize it, the more you retain it. As your knowledge increases, your confidence increases, thus increasing your magnetism.

5.. Remain calm. Do not allow your brain to remain in a lower brained way of thinking. This impedes your thought process and the flow of thoughts and energy. This may require a phase shift. In other words, it may be best to drop it and focus your energy on something positive for 10 to 15 minutes then return to the issue or obstacle.

6. Rinse and Repeat... continually do this daily over and over and over and over and over again. The more you do this, the more your magnetism will increase. Accept that there is no arrival or destination, yet that you will continually be increasing your knowledge and magnetism.

There are literally thousands of different models and systems in which one may follow. There is always an upcoming vacation or the next Christmas or Thanksgiving or an upcoming birthday. There is only one today and one right now. Today is the day you must apply these principles, every day that goes by, one is only strengthening fear, doubt, and worry into the subconscious mind. It will only limit and capture even more til it will seem even more impossible to gain freedom and happiness. Yet it is 100% possible that you can have a life worth living. Believing is the key.

Colton - discover your true'ness'

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