Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Persistence and Tenacity

Persistence: Continuance of an effect after the cause is removed: persistence of
Tenacious: persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired.

The ability to have a conscious and continuous effort to one's desires will give freedom and success to any individual that seeks after it.

The ability to be persistent is to have something to look forward to long and short. The ability to look into the future and define your success and creating a plan in which to follow. Where we as humans fall short and stay on the A side is we fail in even deriving our own plan on life and purposeful living. If you ask anyone what their purpose is and how they seek to achieve it you will receive many answers like be happy, make money, get a good job, go to school, have a family... yet they have failed to develop a step by step plan in which they may achieve their success.

Another avenue that leads down the path of failure is the fear of failure itself. We create in our minds the fallacy that I will probably fail and I can not take the criticism from others such as my family, friends, or peers. Typically this is a subconscious limiting belief that must be overcome and eliminated.

The third way in which we often fail is once we have developed a plan, we lack persistence and tenacity. We have our purpose and our path, yet the persistence and tenacity escapes us. How? By those around us. Continually you will be invited to seek other ventures, which sound like great ventures, and probably are great ventures. The problem is it takes us away from our plan and we then begin a new plan. We are always starting new plans and never stay consistent, persistent, and tenacious enough to carry out our plans whether succeed or fail. The ability to persist in itself is success and your progress great bounds in your purposeful life.

The B side to the truth is we must create a plan in which to fulfill our purpose and our desires. Part to of that is become persistent and tenacious in not allowing anything to stand in the way of your plan of action!

Henry Ford, according to Napoleon Hill, was often thought of as being "cold blooded". Yet he was one of the first to make millions again after the great depression. It is not "cold blooded" to be persistent and tenacious... it is purposeful.

Colton - discover your true'ness'

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