Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Later Means Never

Later means never and... Now means right now. If you are going to do something great there is no later. It will never happen. You must act now.

In the new DVD release, the movie "UP", depicts the power of now in such a way it will bring tears to your eyes by the end of the film. The opportunity to have an adventure is now. We as human beings spend so much time worrying about what we missed out on, we forget about the Power of Now. The opportunity to live today and create a World no one else can imagine. Towards the end of the film "UP" the husband is looking at his wife's book of great adventures and when he gets to the end of the book he see's the section "What I'm Going to Do". As he flipped the pages he saw their wedding pictures and all the pictures of them growing old together. And at the end of the last picture she wrote to the affect, Go have more great adventures! She was passing the vision on to not fret about the past, GO LIVE LIFE! YOU STILL HAVE MUCH TO ENJOY!!

We get so bogged down in the A side of life that we actually forget to have our own great adventures. I learned the other day what makes little kids such great salesman and dreamers. It is simple... they have eliminated the word "No" from their vocabulary. Can we have this? NO! Please can we?? No! Come on mom!!! Please!!! Ok, but be quick about it. They have the ability to ignore obstacles and create focus. They concentrate their energy on their dreams and their dreams become reality!!! They dream of playing in the NFL, the World Cup... they dream of flying around the World in a giant hot air balloon, they dream of fighting fires, they dream with deep desire and without a shadow that their dream is their reality.

Yet as they grow older, the a sider's of the World shoot them down and tell them they can't. So the b side to the truth today is dream and live now! Eliminate the no's and the cant's from your vocabulary. And do it now!! The longer you wait to live your dream the less energy you will have to act... and later means never. Don't live your whole life wanting to have a great adventure and thinking of what would have been. In the end the great adventure is what makes this a life worth living!

Colton - discover your true'ness'

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