“Your ability to use the principle of autosuggestion will depend, very largely, upon your capacity to concentrate upon a given desire until that desire becomes a burning obsession.” - Napoleon Hill
What you focus on is what your thoughts will continually subconsciously bounce around inside until it becomes fixed in your mind. Once constructed it must be continually visited to increase the focus and desire and naturally make it happen. Each burning desire should lead to a greater cause and understanding of truth. It should be sought to serve mankind and increase your knowledge to lead an individual from temporal principles to eternal principles.
Following specific steps that create as Napoleon Hill taught, autosuggestion, can lead to two riches. One of these riches will be will with temporal knowledge and riches. And the other can be anchored to pure charity and truth which will lead to eternal riches. Remember, no man can serve two masters.
How to apply autosuggestion is simple. It is through repetition and emotion. You can repeat an affirmation one million times and will do you no good if there is no emotion tied to the affirmation.
1. Discover your outcome that you wish to have guaranteed sealed up.
2. Ponder all the pieces in your life that tie into that portion you wish to have.
3. Ask and Receive.
4. Develop a step by step specific plan in how to achieve your wish.
5. Write a vision statement including the step by step plan in which you will carry out.
6. Read your vision statement aloud 3 to 4 times daily, first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
7. Constantly review your statement in your mind and anchored to truth with emotion and your wish. You will receive what you ask for and focus on both temporally and eternally.
The B Side To The Truth is autosuggestion is one of the most powerful tools in controlling your mind, creating a burning desire, and keeping a burning desire. In order to receive the feeling and increasing of desire, one must act and continually act. You must guide yourself through wisdom and skill development to know what and how to act. This will increase your motivation and desire to achieve what you have created with your new knowledge.
Colton - Discover your true'ness'
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