Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Trap of Money

Colton Lindsay October 13 at 9:14am
So many times we strive to make more money to get the next purchase. To buy the new car, to afford the new house, to get some new jeans. Which all of these items if you correctly are assets and not liabilities as we have been taught they are.

For example our cars. They are one of the greatest assets that we have. They take us to our place of productivity and allows us to create more value. The ability to increase our value creation is what gives us greater inner success. Now any car that runs will get us to and from. The b side to the truth is we spend to much money as a lack of financial discipline. When we spend more or close to what we produce we actually create a trap for ourselves. Depending on your income I would dare to say you should not be spending more than 50 to 60 percent total. That includes mortgage/rent, car payment, insurance, utilities, groceries, entertainment, and all expenses.

The freedom of having savings, being able to comfortably afford things, and not worrying about expenses will free up your mind to think clearer and be more productive. This will allow you to actually make more money. It takes our dependency of money away and we do things for the purpose of creating value in the lives of others which in turn is the greatest thing you can do for yourself by serving others in everything you do.

Colton - discover your true'ness'

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