Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tapping In

"Inches make champions" - Vince Lombardi

In Napoleon Hill's book, Think and Grow Rich, he tells the story of prospectors that stopped three feet from gold. As they gave up and felt they lost the gold mine, they sold off their equipment to a local. As the local knew about fault lines in the area, he educated himself on the subject and started digging merely three feet to the side where he struck one of the most lucrative gold mines in the west.

The question to ask yourself is... how often are you three feet to gold? Here's what I mean by that, how often are we stopping short with the lack of persistence instead of pushing through the ceiling to the next level.

The eternal principle of small and simple things make great things happen is and always will exist. It is the same as a horse race. Even when a jockey wins by a nose... the prize money is 10 times greater!! So just doing that little extra, the small things that no one else does will put you miles ahead of the competition. Now remember the competition is not others, yet the competition is your own self.

Recently with a friend of mine I have created a life accountability partnership. In which we meet every Sunday for one hour to mastermind and set SMALL personal goals to achieve in the next week to come. As we add the small things up over time with persistence, great accomplishments and joy will come into your life.

The secret is to tap into the growing energy of motivation that will keep you going the extra few inches, and keep you from stopping three feet from gold. The principle of small and simple things is credible in all realms of life Spiritually, Mentally, Physically, Socially, and Financially.

The b side to the truth today is as Casey Persinger said, "KISS, KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID." The ability to keep things simple and pure will allow you to tap into your inner self, your inner true'ness' and allow you to have great changes and progression in which ever realm you feel a need to increase. And remember, there is never an arrival, only a journey!

Colton - discover your true'ness'

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Episode 4

Click the link above or on the podcast player to hear episode 4 of The B Side To The Truth Podcast. This week hosts Colton Lindsay and Chad Holmes discuss with Casey Persinger the power of the mental realm and how to build a strong mindset. Also discussed is the power of silence and stillness and to be able to create organization in your mind. Thus creating more freedom!

Colton - discover your true'ness'

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Episode 3!

Click the Link above to listen to Episode 3

Epiosde 3 with hosts Colton Lindsay and Chad Holmes with returning regular guest Casey Persinger give a aerial view of the 5 realms that make up our life as human beings. The B side is that you will and cannot ever have a completely balanced life. The reality is you must continually be counterbalancing, course correcting, and progressing forward to your focus. The 5 realms are: spiritual, mental, physical, social, and financial.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Podcast Episode 2

To listent to this weeks episode click the link above. This weeks episode includes hosts Colton Lindsay and Chad Holmes with special guest Abe Shreve. Listen as they discuss lifestyle and the importance of having a life worth living. Also discussed is the importance of relationships and what is needed in recognizing what steps to take to inusre you're having a life worth living.

Colton - discover your true'ness'

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Flaw of Perception of Media, School, and Government Creates: Conditioning

"All forms of tampering with human beings, getting at them, shaping them against their will to your own pattern, all thought control and conditioning is, therefore, a denial of that in men which makes them men and their values ultimate." - Isaiah Berlin

"Basically the school system sets you up with what it wants to set you up with. They're really good at it. I think they're too good. Problem is, what they're doing is conditioning kids to merely accept the culture at hand. But the rebels won't accept it." - Jack Bowman

“When there is freedom from mechanical conditioning, there is simplicity. The classical man is just a bundle of routine, ideas and tradition. If you follow the classical pattern, you are understanding the routine, the tradition, the shadow - you are not understanding yourself.” - Bruce Lee

“People will wonder, Am I supposed to think this is funny or serious? People need the comforting aural cue of laughter. It's conditioning.”

Every experience in your life that has guided you to this exact moment in life was due to conditioning. We as human beings are enslaved to habits. Therefore our habits were conditioned into us over time through perception and emotion. You want to sell someone on something talk benefits... you want to sell someone on something and have them buy it... talk fear of loss. What will they lose if they don't act now.

I am including in today's post a clip. It is one of the Super Bowl Commercials from Feb. 7, 2010. I use it because of what a great example it is for the point of conditioning. We can choose to condition ourselves or be conditioned because of the fear of not having or progressing. Fear is what captivates us. When we are conditioned we see it as normal and easier to accept.
copy and paste the link in your address bar

It is not what we do every once and a while, yet what we do consistently with principles that define the characteristics of who we are. A concept inspired by Blake Fluhart on the ever ongoing battle of habits and conditioning.

From the moment we are born begins our conditioning. From our family, media, public perception, formal schooling, advertisements, social networking, or yourself. The rarest of all and the most productive is self-conditioning. Yet the one thing we lack to figuring out in this transformation of self-conditioning that implies, replacing one habit with a more productive habit, is the element of emotion. An element of emotion tied with love and positive mindset is required to be able to increase an awareness of the negative conditioning that goes on around us daily.

How does social conditioning effect you? How did it effect the people of Nazi Germany?

Martin Niemöller, a German pastor who opposed the Nazis wrote:

"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me."

Garrison Keillor said "It was luxuries like air conditioning that brought down the Roman Empire. With air conditioning their windows were shut, they couldn't hear the barbarians coming."

Do you value your freedom? It is what is at stake everyday with your life. There are no foreign wars to be fought, no countries to take over, no religions to proved right... there is only you and your direct communication with yourself and God. What is happening everyday with the economy, media, probably in your own families, circles of friends, social media, everything is conditioning you for the future. Is it what you want? Are you living your life? Is is a life worth living?

Giving into fear is the exact recipe to unhappiness and captivity. Fix your eyes on your purpose and let nothing stand in the way... even death.

Colton - discover your true'ness'

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Episode 1

To listen click the link above

Episode one with hosts Colton Lindsay and Chad Holmes. This week we discussed with regular guest Casey Persinger,, about what a life worth living involves and what a life worth living is to him. Now friends remember this is the first podcast of many to come. Any questions or comments please email us at

Colton - discover your true'ness'

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fear and Love

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

No sense in living and doing things in fear. Life is principle based. "Faith and Love" is the first principle of happiness.

“The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.” Sven Goran Erikkson

The ability to stop caring is the strength of overcoming fear. Here's what I mean by that... the ability to detach oneself from the outcome is the elimination of fear. We fear two things in particular. First is that failing. Second is more difficult... once we succeed... we fear staying on top and having to continually prove our self.

There is no such thing as a self made man. Those that are considered self made men will tell you the same thing. They may not have been given the Kingdom of success by a fellow human being, yet all will agree they were given it from something more. The direct connection to prosperity comes from a direct connection of what I call God. The principles that control this existence are irrevocable and must be obeyed in ordered to receive the prosperity outcome. In order to do so it start's by abolishing fear and entering a love driven mindset. Not to act in defense, yet to act is charity and kindness. Realizing that it is not a race or competition, yet a journey we are all on. This all begins with thought, desire, action, and results that are known as faith. Whatever seed you plant, you will harvest. Whatever thought you dwell upon, you will manifest.

Loving... that is a difficult thing to do for us humans. We have a subconscious protection mode programmed in our brains that stifle us. Why does it take courage to love? It takes courage to put yourself out there when you know the floor could fall out from underneath you. Yet love causes growth. And the bigger the growth, the bigger the risk typically. Yet when done with the right steps of love, all fear and failure are eliminated. This is where we must have hope with our faith... hope that there is more... hope to continue... hope to be loved back. Love is an action. We can only fully love others around us, when we too are loving ourselves fully. And to fully love oneself, one must eliminate fear. Often times eliminating fear means looking it straight in the eyes and walking through it.

What are you doing to face fear head on?

Colton - discover your true'ness'

Monday, February 1, 2010


"One of the most tragic things I know about our human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of magical days to come. What about the magical day you're living now? Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy! - Jordyn Pebbles

It is interesting how unique our lives our and yet for some reason we spend most of our lives trying to fit in. Remember how great you are as a creation and don't just be yourself... be your best self!

I remember the days when Monday morning came I couldn't wait for Friday night. Even if I had nothing planned. The mere fact that I was not enjoying life. I didn't like waking up and going to do what I did not enjoy. Ask yourself... do you start your week off waiting for the weekend? Because you may be starting your life off waiting? To be able to develop an everyday weekend is the ability to design your own life worth living. When we were children we knew how to dream of great adventures... as we have grown old we have turned our dreams into wishes and we have forgot to live. Daily people wake up and go off to do something they hate doing. Things that consume their energy and strengthen their misery of living.

We walk through our days without making decisions only to say "we'll, maybe something better will come along". The reality is, those that have something better... they ceased the moment... they live their life choosing to live and instead of waiting for something better, they make the best of what they have now. This feeds an energy within that allows one to increase in happiness exponentially.

As a friend discussed with me recently his desire to change and to have hobbies again, he told me of his recent snowboarding extravaganza. He said paraphrasing "on the way up to the resort I didn't even wanna be there... I wanted to go home. Yet once I got up there and was with friends and experiencing I had so much fun." Often times like in this situation our habitual protection thinking says "NO! What if something BETTER comes along and we miss out cause we were freaking doing something else"? Subconsciously, whether one realizes this or not, it is happening. It is your own self restricting you from increasing your life worth living. It has never been anyone else or any one event keeping you from joy, It has only been you.

We are here to live, to love, to laugh, and to enjoy. So start today by disconnecting from the distractions and connecting with life. Life is greatly increased with the energy of others added in. And remember... "Being yourself is not enough, you must be your best self". Neil Strauss

Colton - discover your true'ness'