Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Episode 13 - Commuincation

Episode 13 is on communication as regular hosts Chad Holmes, Colton Lindsay, and Casey Persinger with Guests Rick Strasters and Tryna Burnett discuss social communication and relationship communication and manipulation communication. Is it possible to not communicate.

Colton - discover your true'ness'

Monday, June 21, 2010

Cloud of Darkness... Well how do I see?

“Darkness is only driven out with light, not more darkness.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

The ability to guide a vessel through darkness must mean there is some sort of device with the ability to gain direction without seeing with your physical eyes. Life is much the same. A good friend of mine, Paul Gines, once described life to me as a picture frame that each one of us are in. The picture represents our life and we are inside of the picture. The problem is often times as we are in the picture, we can't see the whole picture. If we could just eject our-self from the picture frame for a minute we would be able to see some things that lie ahead of us or lie behind us. We can learn from the path we have taken to make our path ahead of us a little bit easier.

The ability to gain your own compass to guide you in the cloud of darkness is something that truly must be cultivated. Just as our physical body is important to nurture and take care of, so is our spiritual or intuition important to nurture and take care of. To be able to get the maximum amount strength from our intuition we must apply the temporal laws of life. The biggest is consistency. Consistently doing the exercises that develop the inner self discipline to listen to your conscience that will direct and dictate your path. When all the clouds of life overcast over your vessel, your internal compass will be able to light your vessel in a way that your spiritual eyes will then coincide with your physical eyes and more of the picture frame will be shown to you.

The B Side To The Truth is with the masses of people, ideas, and competition that continue to grow and expand in our society, the more confusing life and opinions can become. So to take time to cultivate a light for your vessel will give you constant personal guidance and the ability to do the things that you can enjoy today while preparing for tomorrow. It takes courage to prepare for the worst and live for the best, yet a fool will live for today and be unprepared when lost in darkness.

Colton - discover your true'ness'

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Exponentional Growth = Destruction

Split cell reproduction is an interesting concept to think about. In a nutshell what happens is cell's collect extra nutrients to be able divide there-self equally through mitosis and create what is called "daughter cell". The interesting thing that is over time it creates an exponential growth... yet as these cells split and grow exponentially, the group gets dangerous... they will actually destroy one another the larger the growth gets. Whether it was because the cells couldn't take it anymore or they don't get the nutrients they need.

An interesting concept I was thinking about and blogged about yesterday was the size and growth of human beings today. The amount of people that fill the Earth today is exponential. Now numbering over 7 billion people on the Earth, is it just a matter of time til our own destruction?

We can chat with anyone in the World via Skype on a Droid phone or follow the latest tweets of Shakira or see the newest scandal from Perez Hilton's blog or watch live the World Cup games being played on Justin.tv. We can now follow anyone and everyone at the click of a mouse to see what is bigger and better out in the World. Now we have our reason for destruction... we can more easily set our hearts upon what we see in the World. We can take life in to our own hands and create our own future. We have essentially began to take the role of God on for ourselves.

The B Side To The Truth is our future will be the destruction of our own kind as exponential growth continues and pride continues to develop and build in the hearts of mankind. We have made it easier to see only what we want and blind ourselves to the outcome of our actions. We have created a way to think only of the here and now. The question you have to ask yourself... was it suppose to be so chaotic in our journey?

Colton- discover your true'ness'

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Seeing Eyes

“Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.” - Albert Einstein

World Cup 2010 - This is Africa, NBA Final - Lakers Vs Celtics, America's Got Talent - Howie Mandel, Gulf Coast Oil Spill - Unstoppable, VeriChip aquires Steel Vault, EU - Broke, Earthquake in Indonesia, Nepal - Civil War... and on and on and on.

Americans have had the blessing of living in the most free land ever to exist on the face of the World as far as most humans can comprehend in this era of existence. However most people have been captured into a status way of life that in a time when history changing events with a negative consequence occur the majority of people have no idea what is going on.

The power of intention is a great tool in this existence to get things done in this life, yet the question I ask... was it ever our job to create? If it was I would have rather never participated in such a plan that would have created so much violence, hatred, ego, and manipulation. It is said there is a lot of good in this World and that is what we have to focus on. Interesting enough the things most considered good seem to be more destructive than that which is bad. We worship our idles such as cars, boats, clothing, food, and every little accessory we seek to boast our confidence or in other words to feed our ego and get more money.

A watchful eye may cost you your life, yet may just save your soul. It is amazing to see how far we have come as human beings... having built up giant cities all across the globe. Sao Paulo City Brasil - 19.8 million plus people, Mexico City - 21.2 million people, New York City - 19.1 million people, Tokyo City - 13 million people, and city after city that have been filled with people all over the face of the Earth.(wikipedia.com)

The B Side To The Truth is that after so much growth it is only obvious that there would be a mist of darkness amongst our humanity. The ability to develop seeing eyes in the most powerful tool one can gain. The ability feel truth and understand it in a World of so much opinion would be such an amazing gift. How though? Through seeking truth, being pure of heart, meditating, and asking for understanding and then the view will amaze you!

Colton - Discover your true'ness'

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Parable of Talents

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” - Buddha

In the book "Happy for no Reason", by Marcy Shimoff, it talks about the power of writing new things down you learn and sharing new things you learn. I was often curious of why that is. As I further have studied the power of the subconscious mind and how it can be reprogrammed I understood sharing as a principle, yet I never could fully understand why it works... just that it does.

When you write things down, you retain about 40% more of the information in your own mind. When you share it with other people you retain around 80% more. Now those aren't exact numbers. You can refer to Marcy Shimoff's book for further information on this. At the end of the day if you want to retain more knowledge, share more things you learn.

What are we sharing though? What is the talent that Christ teaches in the Holy Bible? That is what makes things so difficult in our generation and society. There are so many opinions and so many people sharing and very persuasive with what they teach. How can you know what is truth and what isn't?

The B Side To The Truth is the talent is a very special and unique knowledge that you can receive, yet it must come in the right order. Only through a true connection with God can one fully receive and understand truth and light. Through prayer (dialogue) with God, through meditation, through journal writing, can these things come to an understanding in your mind and in your heart. Yet once you learn something that you feel is important and not with the intention to get personal gain, and to try serve another individual, then will love truly begin to cultivate in your heart.

Colton - discover your true'ness'

Monday, June 7, 2010

Social Validation... what a trap!

We were not called to be the Saviour of the World. Yet why does everyone act like it? The ability to question is the ability to set your mind free. Over the years of studying social dynamics, it has become very clear to see, even with myself, what we say and what we do to gain self-proof and social validation. When you get good at the game it comes in a stealth like fashion... under the radar... no one noticing it.

This is a big trap. We as human beings constantly seek approval from others in our endeavors. Want to fix that? Want to feel like you have real friends and not friends you continually have to seek acceptance with? Then start searching for true qualities in other people and stop talking about your qualities. We all have the disease, so don't feel like you are the only one. In fact I would say that there are very few that truly care about other people more than them self.

Why is this bad? The greed it sets up in your heart upon money and proving yourself to make it to the next level will suffocate your soul. Some of us fight til we are in the celebrity status. Some of us fight just to stay at the status we are in. What about fighting to have no status at all. It is impossible, yet I believe still it may be accomplished.

Lately in our society we have experienced some historic and world changing events from the election of President Obama, to lengthy endless war, to natural disasters, to the oil spill in the gulf, multiple countries with civil wars, super star scandals everywhere, to the destruction of the very essence of joy, which is the family. All of these things were bound to happen the second we stopped living a principled way of life. Could the World exist in peace with the existence of money? I don' know the answer to that one... yet I do know it's not doing a very great job right now.

The B Side To The Truth is you do not need social acceptance or validation to have joy and happiness. The secret is to have a pure honest heart and to seek truth. At the end of the day that is what will save your soul. Not the money you made, the car you drove, not the house you lived in, nor fame you accomplished. Yet it is the moments you shared with those you care about. It is an easy trap to fall into and a difficult one to escape.

Colton - discover your true'ness'

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Episode 12 - Relationships

Click the link above to listen to the latest episode as Colton Lindsay, Chad Holmes, and Casey Persinger discuss the importance of developing relationships and what cause's relationship issues. Chad asks the question "at what point is it that you have to pull the plug?" Also topics such as 50% of marriages end in divorce and the failure rate is even more after 2nd and 3rd marriages.

please send any questions or comments to thebsidetothetruth@gmail.com or on the Facebook fanpage.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Success... what is it?

“Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be” - George Sheehan

The continual mirage in our foresight of success in which was falsely built inside of us has been an illusion set forth on and off since the creation of the World. We have grown up in a World of status, things, money, and making it to the top. We believe people with wealth such as celebrities, sports stars, millionaires and billionaires, that these are the successful people of the World. Yet the funny thing is most of those people on top, never really feel on Top. Their lives now revolve around a higher pressure to perform for others. It's no longer about proving things to yourself, it has become about proving things to the World.

I once read about a time where no man had above another. A great philosopher once taught that it is unlawful to have that above another. It almost appears that the very moment we allowed things to become more important than people we let our true person slip away. We have been convinced through a society that status is what rules and that a good life with things that make us happy is what we should be seeking after.

The question we should ask ourselves is not only how can I become the person I was meant to be, yet who am I? We find ourselves often times working our lives away to earn money to buy these wonderful worldly possessions, yet we fail to see the slavery that is created from it. The slavery of having to work all the time to make an enormous house payment or pay off the overwhelming credit card bills because we thought we need things for the family and many other things. We have created slavery in the countries that we do not see that make the very computer we are looking at right now, that make the clothes we are wearing, that suffer so that our vendors can get things at a cheaper price to make more money. And we are the ones to blame. We are the people that purchase the items to make the system run.

The B Side To The Truth is to find success you must find out what success really is, who you are, and who you are to become. To be able to do that means a giant phase shift in life to see things from a completely different angle. Success at the end of the day will include lifting another, not making others suffer. The hard part is we typically can't see back stage, so we know not those with sorrow in their hearts.

Colton - discover your true'ness'

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Stories of Life

While I was in a layover in Mexico City on Sunday, I had the opportunity to experience a few different things. One was to stumble upon a book written by Paulo Coelho, a Brazilian Author. This book intrigued me so much as it was almost the next puzzle piece to understanding my own ego and more to the linear equation of social dynamics and social interaction.

Paulo Coelho's book, "The Winner Stands Alone", in a nutshell talks about everyone's chase for paper and acceptance into the next level. A fictional novel about humanity putting the glory of celebrity as level of upper achievement and how even on top, a human does what ever possible to stay known in the limelight.

A section on Page 37 and 38 reads; "... The mobile phone, the most important item of clothing. It was essential to be receiving a constant stream of messages or calls, to be prepared to interrupt any conversation in order to answer a call that was not in the least urgent, to stand keying in endless texts via an SMS. They had all forgotten that these initials mean Short Message Service and instead used the keypad as if it were a typewriter... the fact that the phone is no longer simply a method of communicating with others, but a thread of hope, a way of believing that you're not alone, a way of showing others how important you are."

The B Side To The Truth that our society has driven us to continually seek acceptance in everything. We now use our cell phones and Facebook, along with our fashion to continually be saying "look at me, I am important." It has almost become a blinded sense to person that comes across as a cry for what is missing. So ask yourself this question... am I seeking validation... or am I giving validation?

Colton - discover your true'ness'