Friday, January 29, 2010

Entitlement vs. Gratitude

Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty. Doris Day

Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy -- because we will always want to have something else or something more. David Steindl-Rast

As we walk a fine line of what we feel to be God Given rights, we often times confuse these rights with what we feel we deserve vs. what we have been given. The ability to stop wanting more for happiness and start thanking more for happiness will free a person's soul from the captive life in which we human's so easily follow.

Our life revolves around what we focus on... and often times we spend life focusing on what we don't have, what others have, what we lost out on, and the things of yesterday. We thrust away relationships for personal gain that bring emptiness and misery while letting our ship of happiness float right on by. We waste a whole life fighting for the next level, when the next level is a gift that can only be received.

Giving up the the need for more gives more. Gathering an understanding of the knowledge of fulfillment... which means you are already whole and you are already fulfilled... you just have to focus on what your cup is already full of.

So today hold your chin up, enjoy what you have and what you are experiencing. And know... whether you have everything or nothing... you still have it all.

There is getting to the next level in happiness... yet it must be through gratitude and not through what you feel you are entitled to.

Colton - discover your true'ness'

Monday, January 25, 2010

Experience Is Scarce

“If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone.” John Maxwell

After traveling South America for a month many thoughts come to mind. The opportunity to experience such a travel was limited to just one... to me. Yes many people can go and travel and learn new cultures... yet the people YOU meet and the experiences YOU have are limited to YOU.

Upon return to the United States it gave me a chilling yet warming feeling. The ingratitude that grows within our society, yet the opportunity to not only survive here, yet to thrive in this great nation.

Growing up we learn the greatness of our freedom and our country... yet if you want to meet a patriot my friends, head to South America. A country of pride for what opportunities they have, and they enjoy life. As I drove myself to my office this morning I was listening to a radio station as they were having caller's call in about lending money to friends. And as each caller called in they had only negative things to say and to share. The radio hosts and the program as a whole was to invoke a fear driven sense and the negativity of lending money. (Not that I am for or against lending friends money.) Yet as I scanned the radio or came up to date on the local news, I realized everything is this way. Everyone is forgetting to enjoy life now and the opportunities we have.

Take advantage of what you will and are experiencing now. It is your experience. It is your life. And what we have to experience is very limited and scarce in this mortal existence. Almost 6.5 billion people and hundreds of thousands of different cultures that exist... you will never come close to experiencing it all. So relish in what you do get to experience. Give gratitude and get lost in your experience... because tomorrow it will not be there anymore. Forget your lost opportunities and your missed chances... it is only a fear driven way of thinking.

We will hurt people, we will suffer sadness and misery during this life... yet we need not dwell on these subjects. Look at the greatness around your, enjoy the company of those around you, no matter who it may be. People will come and quickly go from your life, yet there will be a select few that will stick around. For most, it will be their family. For some, they will find a new family. For all, we can not got go at it alone. For all of the experiences you will have, will included other people.

So go out and welcome others today. Experience life. You will not look back and regret what you did... yet what you did not do. Leave your comfort zone... you will understand later. Experience cause hope to grow inside of you. And hope when there is nothing left is what we must hold on to. Live life and invite others to live life. Enjoy what is yours and share it with others. Not only survive and thrive, yet learn and build your life through relationships, that may be shortly lived, yet carry with you forever.

Friends, you have it so great! Just open your eyes and see the beauty around you! Ask for forgiveness when needed and give forgiveness always. You will hurt and you will be hurt... you will love and you will be loved. So this is your life... live it and experience it.

Colton - discover your true'ness'

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fear Driven Society

“Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here.” Anonymous

We are enslaved to habits, patterns, and a way of life.... that is not always our life. In the film "Thank You For Smoking" it is portrayed through the most strenous and difficult profession of a tabacco lobbiest the ability to prove wrong. Why is that such a lesson to be learned? The fact that just because we were told something; whether it was by parents, media, government leaders, religion, teachers, or whomever... does not make it right. Through the dictates of our own conscience may we find the best path for our life... a life worth living.

Many writers, speakers, and people a like; that promote the power of positive energy bring the example of fear that is portrayed in today's media from the publicized murder cases to the deathly earth quake to latest threat. In all cases they are fear promoting things that are being constantly driven in to our minds and in to our society. Fear is a restriction of love, abundance, and a life worth living.

Recently in the United States of America... a so called land of the free is continually and supposedly being threatened was once again terrified through an "underwear bomber". How such a man was to get through security I'll never know... (I could not even get my axe body spray through). Yet the further restrictions put on the travelers of a "land of the free" does not seem to create much freedom. The more captivity the less freedom for individuals.

I stumbled upon on old piece I had wrote:

'The problem with sin is not the sin, but when we choose to sin our heart becomes sinful. A sin is the start of a negative affirmation we condition to become a part of us. When we choose to replace a negative thought with a positive thought we are applying the atoning sacrifice of Christ. Often times a thought of rejection, fear of not being enough, or any fear develops in our subconscious mind… I believe anchored to what we call our heart many times. We must apply the atonement by using positive affirmations. This is continually repenting, it is recognizing our sins, a desire to change them, then applying faith in belief which leads to faith in action. If we believe it, it will happen. We choose to believe. I never really understood this. Because sometimes it is easier for us to choose to believe some things then it is to believe other things. Just the same as we think how could anyone ever have such a problem with pornography, or alcohol, or this, or that, or whatever it is? I ask how is that many of us can have such a problem with negativity? It is an awakening of our subconscious mind and a softening our heart. It is becoming consciously aware of life and choice. These are the beginning steps to discipline. There is only one choice, love. We often hear this as two choices. But it is automatic. If we do not choose love, by default fear enters our lives and captures our heart. So tomorrow morning start your day of by saying I choose love. Start conditioning yourself with the positive and truly apply the atonement on a deeper level. When we condition ourselves with the little things, the bigger worries will almost seem to disappear."

We are being programmed to be A Fear Driven Society. A society that lack's character of relationship, honesty, and integrity. You want more love... create less boundaries... follow less what you are told and more what your conscience dictates... take steps outside your comfort circle. The more fear is allowed in the more restrictions are put upon you until one day you will wake up and realize you lived a life that was not worth living... you lived a life someone else wanted for you. We are in a society where we have literally been programmed to reject others before they can reject us. Bill Russel once said “Most people have a harder time letting themselves love than finding someone to love them.” People want our acceptance and our love. People everywhere in the World.

Fear not... the plan was perfect and miraculous... you will either continue forever... or vanish into a beautiful art of nothingess... to which you will still exist. There is no end to love and to now. There is only now.

I look at our country and the constitution and which it was built upon. I see slowly a patriotic pride slipping to an arrogant pride. And worst of all I see individual freedom not being taken away... yet being given away into the hands of the programmers. Seek not the validation of others... seek only to follow the dictates of the consience of love and of a freeman. Learn from your peers and your foes... learn from your community and from your World.

"I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts." - John D. Rockefeller. Life can only gain love through increased positive energy of other's uniting together for one fight... the fight for freedom. A fight that is inside each one of us.

Colton - discover your true'ness'

Get Off The Fence

“One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.” Anthony Robbins

The normal average person lives life on the fence. With the dual personages that live inside of us, we fail to pick one and move forward. It does not matter which side you choose of your fence as long as you land with your feet running and running forward. The failure comes from sitting and contemplating which side do I wish to follow. My friends it is not decision of what you want most, it is simply making the decision that makes the difference.

The lack of making the decision will guide you into a default way of life programmed mainly by your government through forms of media, internet, schools, readily available jobs that were taken and not choosen, family members that lead a default life, and the perception of life around a person.

Inside of us our typically two beings... often known as the good and the bad or the ego and the spiritual being. I am not talking about choosing ego over spiritual being as an option... I am speaking of stop separating the two in such a way that it impedes you of forward progress. We are customed to sowing our wild oats. As Neil Strauss said - I will always have wild oats -. Often times we live life with regrets of what we did not do, not what we did do. We are accostumed as human beings to dwell upon the negative and bad things. We are trained this way daily and reconditioned everywhere we turn to focus on the bad. We focus on the problems so much we fail to focus on the solutions. What I speak of as far as separation is the failure to choose a focus. It as if we see hundreds of delicious chocolates at a chocolate store, that we are stumped in making a decision and being able to enjoy and saviour the taste in our mouth. We have so many opportunities in this life, yet we live in failure of grabbing an opportunity and sticking with that opportunity to its maximum! We are always looking for the quick fix.

Even more so we bounce around looking for fulfillment and happiness, when happiness is a choice and an action. It is a distinct decision of making it your focus. The more focused one becomes with their natural talents and abilities, the more the feelings of happiness will swell inside.

It is much easier to say then to live a focused life. Yet we must strive for this.

Get off the fence... it almost matters not which side, just get off, get focused, and run forward.

Colton - discover your true'ness'

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Gratitude and Opportunities

Recent travels through Brazil continue to open my mind to the great life of which I have been given and the drive to grab what is rightfully yours.

In the past two weeks I have now experienced the riches of Brazil and the poor of Brazil. I arrived in Porto Alegre last night around 8 pm. As the bus coached approached the city we passed through the favelas and the slums on the outskirts. We then arrived to the bus station as my friend Cesar picked us up. He took us to their humble home where he offered us his kids bed for our stay here. It is a run down 2 bedroom apartment that overlooks a semi-poor area. During this experience my gratitude to God has increased greatly. Where I was born, what I have, what I have experienced, the family I have, the opportunities I have, and the opportunities I continually receive.

We walk through this life with and overwhelming amount of negative thoughts passing through our mind daily. I have recently been re-reaing Steve D´Annunzio´s book The Prosperity Paradigm. we have around 5,000 thoughts in 16 hours of the day. 90 percent of the thoughts that cross through a persons mind are negative thinking. If our thoughts act as way vibration to the conduit of energy, that means we are attracting many negative feelings and therefore having negative experiences. It is no wonder we suffer spiritually, mentally, physically, socially, and financially. It is no wonder most of humanity does not have a life worth living. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer is true with more than just money. The hard the fall will be each time... as if a super vortex is capturing us time and time again. Unless we take control through concious thoughts we will continue to suffer.

Opportunity does not always and usually will not fall in to our laps. The majority of life our open door opportunity is right under our nose or close by... yet we are stuck in a negative paradigm with the lack of action that keeps us from getting what we rightfully deserve. The persuit of happiness, love, and a life worth living. We must take what is rightfully ours by living true to the principles of creation. It is our God Given right to be happy, to be rich, to find love, and to give in abundance.

The key in guiding ourselves in the right direction is to recognize our feelings and what is causing the feelings we are having. When you find something good share it. Sometimes the secret to find what we are looking for is to stop looking... for you have already found it.

Colton - discover your true´ness´